Example sentences of "and not [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For her and others like her it is a question of wanting it sufficiently , being prepared to put in the work and not expecting concessions because they are women .
2 The procedure is only available for proposed and not completed mergers and the merger proposal must have been made public .
3 This places power in the hands of party managers and not elected representatives .
4 ‘ How can you spend seven years with someone and not remain friends ? ’
5 Drinking — and not training weekends — meant my weight stuck on 12 stones ; trying to race on 20 miles a week , plus the drinking , was not on . ’
6 He was encouraged to resume a normal fluid intake and not to restrict fluids because his bladder felt uncomfortable .
7 Talk too much , and not let others have their say .
8 Everything is open to interpretation , usually by the police , and the poor , hard-pressed licensee and his customers are so confused that the usual solution is to avoid the problem and not let children into the pub at all .
9 Though the head needs to bubble with enthusiasm reasonable requests will sometimes need to be refused solely to keep a balance and not let pressures get out of hand .
10 There is a list of new ‘ legal-specific ’ features to make Ami Pro more suitable as a word processor for those working on contracts , case law and other specialised applications but it would be misleading to dwell on those aspects and not mention facilities that are not new but are still exciting extras .
11 Visitors are being asked to be on their guard against fire and not to use stoves ; to dispose of cigarette ends and matches carefully and immediately report any sign of fire to the fire brigade .
12 two or three mistakes recently and not dictated mistakes , copy mistakes .
13 ‘ Exercise and not drinking helps . ’
14 That is , they would remember events in the future , and not remember events in their past .
15 It will be emphasised to employers that the purpose of the exercise is to provide opportunities for young people to learn about and through work and not to perform tasks which would otherwise be done by paid workers .
16 Perhaps the dead body of the loved one expresses all the pathos of this absence , the helplessness of being watched , and not knowing Actors are paid to pretend that they are unaware of being watched , but they of course rely on the collusion of the watcher , and nearly always get it .
17 But if it is the case , simply and conclusively , that music ‘ must intervene actively in consciousness through its own forms and not take instructions from … the consciousness of the user ’ ( quoted in Held 1980 : 83 ) , the baby has gone as well as the bath water and utopian critique begins to look suspiciously like spiritual determinism , autonomy like repression .
18 Your attire must tell other walkers and climbers how serious you are , indicate the status you enjoy in the world of mountaineering , and not make locals in the mountain 's nearest bar fall dangerously silent when you pop in for a pint on the way back home .
19 There is a strong determination to put it right this time and not to let things slip .
20 The Most Rev John Habgood , Archbishop of York , said the Church ‘ must exercise patience and not use threats of walkouts and illegal actions ’ .
21 ‘ I in no way dissent from this reasoning , but I should myself have been content to derive the same conclusion from the broader consideration that Parliament must have intended rating authorities to act in the same high principled way expected by the court of its own officers and not to retain rates paid under a mistake of law , or in paragraph ( a ) upon an erroneous valuation , unless there were , as Parliament must have contemplated there might be in some cases , special circumstances in which a particular overpayment was made such as to justify retention of the whole or part of the amount overpaid .
22 ‘ the broader consideration that Parliament must have intended rating authorities to act in the same high principled way expected by the court of its own officers and not to retain rates paid under a mistake of law , or … upon an erroneous valuation , unless there were , as Parliament must have contemplated there might be in some cases , special circumstances in which a particular overpayment was made such as to justify retention of the whole or part of the amount overpaid .
23 To preserve the image and integrity of the profession and to build bridges between the existing gaps in our service it is necessary to unite and not to create divisions with personal prejudices .
24 Many critics of the encouragement provided until recently by the UK 's investment grants system in LFAs argue that farmers have been converting increasing areas of moorland and roughland to grass leys ( attracting substantial grants and more HLCAs ) while neglecting pastures previously improved and not maintaining standards of husbandry and land management .
25 " I 'd prefer you to keep your nose right out of my business and not ravel things further by " explaining " anything , " Matthew said .
26 I ask my colleagues therefore to rest on the position that the way in which we coordinate our decision is a matter internal to Government and not to answer questions about the Cabinet Committee system .
27 He was backed by the Foreign Office which is advising visitors to America to follow police advice and not resist muggers .
28 Officially , the force was supposed to go in by invitation only ; avoid looking like the heavy mob ; and not humiliate authorities which felt they were hounded because they were struggling to cope on their own .
29 it ai n't very often I go in for something other than chips and not have chips as well you know
30 It may just be an extremist minority within a minority that would take offence , but one company told PEN it would rather just take the easy way out and not have pigs .
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