Example sentences of "and not [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For her and others like her it is a question of wanting it sufficiently , being prepared to put in the work and not expecting concessions because they are women .
2 When life seems ordinary St James encourages us to wait patiently and joyfully for Christ 's coming and not to lose heart .
3 The Gulf War , the re-alignment of Eastern Europe , the breakup of the USSR , the Middle East and not to mention Africa and South America given little support for anyone to disagree with SwissRe 's view .
4 As numerous fitted-up Irishmen can bear witness , and not to mention James Hanratty and others , were they able to speak from the grave , hallowed British justice is a myth .
5 The grant was established two years ago to kick-start developments and not to replace funding of existing services .
6 He was capable of wanting nothing all day , of sending every meal away and not allowing Teresa in , even to make up his fire or turn down his bed , and then , around midnight , calling for his breakfast and complaining he was cold because the fire had gone out .
7 As the game progresses , owners should start to win the chase or the tug-of-war so , by the end of each game scenario — before Fido has lost interest — they are in possession of the toy , playing with it and not allowing Fido to have it .
8 The procedure is only available for proposed and not completed mergers and the merger proposal must have been made public .
9 This places power in the hands of party managers and not elected representatives .
10 Bourdillon 's figure for this was ‘ the annual provision of not less than 250 volumes for lending and reference purposes per thousand population ’ , but the figure is not as uncomplicated as it seems , since it refers only to new books and not to stock revision ( for which no standard was given ) .
11 Alternatively , as adults they may make their own decision to live an ordinary life and not pursue brilliance .
12 ‘ How can you spend seven years with someone and not remain friends ? ’
13 Drinking — and not training weekends — meant my weight stuck on 12 stones ; trying to race on 20 miles a week , plus the drinking , was not on . ’
14 Apart from its ease of use , plastic pipe has the advantage of not being so susceptible to frost damage and not causing corrosion with galvanised water pipes and tanks .
15 Moreover it recognizes its duty to make such publications accessible to the public at large , and not to restrict access on any grounds other than legal .
16 He was encouraged to resume a normal fluid intake and not to restrict fluids because his bladder felt uncomfortable .
17 Nell was n't there , but Zak and some of the other actors were , sitting four to a table , drinking pale-looking orange juice and not eating carrot cake because of the calories .
18 The scheme is said to have the backing of the Royal Warrant Holders ' Association and not to need permission from the Palace .
19 These rocks are covered in algae after being in a small tank under an ordinary 60 watt bulb and not containing fish .
20 Fifty seven children ( 63% ) had recovered , defined as no soiling with 3 bowel movements per week and not receiving treatment .
21 It should be noted , however , that if one million of the three million were back at work and not receiving unemployment and/or supplementary benefits from the Exchequer , it would put less strain on the public purse and make it easier to meet the social security benefits for the expected one million over-85-year-olds .
22 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what is his estimate of the number of people in the United Kingdom who are economically active , unemployed and not receiving unemployment benefit .
23 Talk too much , and not let others have their say .
24 Everything is open to interpretation , usually by the police , and the poor , hard-pressed licensee and his customers are so confused that the usual solution is to avoid the problem and not let children into the pub at all .
25 Though the head needs to bubble with enthusiasm reasonable requests will sometimes need to be refused solely to keep a balance and not let pressures get out of hand .
26 He wanted people to get on with the urgent business of living the good life set out in the Eightfold Path , and not to waste time or energy in speculation and debate .
27 There is a list of new ‘ legal-specific ’ features to make Ami Pro more suitable as a word processor for those working on contracts , case law and other specialised applications but it would be misleading to dwell on those aspects and not mention facilities that are not new but are still exciting extras .
28 ‘ We should confine ourselves to maintaining safety and not restrict people 's freedom of expression , ’ he said .
29 There 's new concern about the disease TB after a survey showed some health districts are going against government advice and not vaccinating school children .
30 In June 1682 Louis XIV , now at the height of his power , explicitly asserted his right to correspond with all foreign sovereigns in French and not to use Latin ; and though the treaty of Ryswick between France and the Holy Roman Empire in 1697 was still in Latin most of the discussion which produced it was in French , as was the Franco-Dutch agreement of the same year .
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