Example sentences of "and at [art] end " in BNC.

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1 Classes are led by experienced staff , usually by staff at the drama school where the course is held , and at the end of the five weeks groups will present mini-production projects to each other , on which they will be assessed , and they will usually be given a certificate for having attended the course .
2 And at the end of the day I have always found that the training programme is open to genuine ideas — in all the classes the aim is to build and shape the existing talent so that the actor can work effectively and truthfully when faced with any situation .
3 Sometimes they give you the feeling that they have done you a great favour by attending rehearsals and at the end of the rehearsal period it 's ‘ Bye-bye loves , now you do your thing and I 'll go off and do another ’ .
4 Twenty-two athletes spend five days for the most part watching their teammates do all the work , and at the end of it all , everyone is quite happy to settle for a draw .
5 You may be asked to fight again in cases of drawn bouts , and at the end of the session a list of selectees to the élite squads will be read out .
6 And at the end , after twelve cancelled variants in one short paragraph , a single sentence , itself the third attempt , tells us ‘ They would not let the orchestra go , and musicians who attempted to leave were beaten up ’ , which says all we need to know about the unstated ‘ Keep playing ! ’ whereby the liveliness of the small hours will have been sustained .
7 But few engineers subscribe to this theory and at the end of the day it is the hardware engineer who has to ‘ get the thing working ’ .
8 ‘ The British people will say to themselves : ‘ Well here 's a government that 's got a majority of 100 , they 've been in office for 10 years , they 've had all these opportunities , and at the end of 10 years all they can think of to do is to make individual attacks on the Leader of the Opposition . ’
9 His concentration throughout was total , and at the end he clapped vigorously .
10 And at the end of it all you 'll really know Wales .
11 On a parish visit the pastor would sometimes take him to the bedside of a dying man or woman and Ramsey would sit long by the bed , saying almost nothing , but holding hands and at the end giving a blessing .
12 You 've got to be prepared to listen to a lot of varied opinions about many difficult problems , assess the people who give you those opinions and at the end of the day you 've got to be very decisive and determined .
13 He spent hours that Christmas in the garage with my son and the BMW and at the end of his stay , he gave him his leather jacket .
14 And at the end , Conlon drew the one hopeful conclusion : ‘ If this stops capital punishment ever coming back , the time I 've spent in prison will be well worth it .
15 Ad hoc alliances of green organizations take place from time to time , and at the end of 1988 Greenpeace , Friends of the Earth and the World Wide Fund for Nature jointly threw down a ‘ green gauntlet ’ to the government , urging it to turn propaganda about the environment into action .
16 During England 's tour of 1989–90 he celebrated his hundredth Test by scoring his eighteenth century , passing 7,000 runs in the process , and at the end of the series his total stood at 7,134 at an average of 46 .
17 Randall and Brearley made a good start , Gower and Willey pressed on well , and at the end of fifty overs they were on 211 .
18 And at the end of the class , near the bust of Unamuno , I heard your voice calling to me for the first time .
19 Contestants were invited to complete an entry coupon with four simple questions — all the answers could be found somewhere on the stand — and at the end of the day a draw was made and bouquets sent by Interflora to the first three correct entries drawn from the bag .
20 And at the end , when they flipped on the lights , ‘ everyone was just riveted to him .
21 Herbert von Karajan and the Berlin Philharmonic packed the Royal Festival Hall on Friday , and at the end of a Beethoven programme the uproar of applause was quite demented .
22 I was conducting Elektra in Berlin — I think it was around the time of his 75th birthday — and at the end he came and said to me it was the best performance of the opera he had ever heard .
23 But in July Mary of Guise was able to fight back more successfully , and at the end of the month the two sides made another truce , by which Edinburgh was to be free to choose its religion , and Catholic observance was not to be reinstated where it had been suppressed .
24 And at the end she did Hugo Wolf 's Maus fallen Spruchlein , in which a child sings to a mouse to lure it into her mousetrap .
25 Short , playing black , dominated the game throughout , and at the end of the first session of play on Tuesday he had a clear advantage in an endgame with superior pieces and a very strong passed pawn .
26 With unaccustomed haste , the Nez Perce herded up their scattered horses and cattle and at the end of May Joseph led his band and 6000 animals up the Imnaha valley .
27 A chain wound its way round various wheels and cogs and at the end of it hung a large bucket .
28 Modigliani moved in to be with her for the last few days and at the end of November Jeanne entered the Nice Maternity Hospital .
29 On this particular day , they had been shooting at Taos and at the end of it they dropped some acid and took off with two other friends to visit the nearby tomb of D.H .
30 And at the end they used to have a jingle :
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