Example sentences of "and at [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 One of these tunnels , which seemed awesomely long , black and terrifying , was , with gumption and at such times as the brook was not in full spate , explorable .
2 The narrator often uses Lok ( the least intellectually acute of the people ) as focaliser , and at such times the narrative is conducted in terms appropriate to the character .
3 The political moment — that period when moral attitudes are transformed into formally political action — can be of key importance in nuancing the regulation of sexuality , and at crucial times a moral schema has been of prime significance in political propaganda .
4 Her sheer emotional and physical energy nevertheless took its physical toll , and at various times in her life she abused alcohol and drugs as well as notching up a significant number of car accidents of varying degrees of seriousness .
5 ( FCA ) of having been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in London between 31 July 1985 and 28 February 1990 audited the accounts of a limited company , a company in which his wife was a shareholder and at various times an office holder , resulting in him not being free of any interest which might detract or be seen to detract from his professional independence and integrity was reprimanded and ordered to pay £600 by way of costs .
6 Priests take an oath of allegiance to the bishop at their induction into their livings and at set times , often on Maundy Thursday , they will renew their vows .
7 So the novel strikes me , and at one time Dostoevsky thought so too .
8 Indeed , Marx saw his work very much in this light and at one time proposed to dedicate Capital to Darwin , who refused , horrified as he already was by the religious and political repercussions of what he had written .
9 She has boldly paraded her stocky figure at charity fashion shows and at one time was famous for wielding equally chunky Havana cigars .
10 Besides his political activities Mr. Thomas also found time for lecturing on literary , philosophical and ethical subjects in many parts of the country , and at one time he lectured almost every Sunday in the Town Hall for the Battersea Ethical Society .
11 And at one time it was UK policy for fertiliser use to be encouraged by direct grants and subsidies .
12 In the beginning Lee took it to heart , and at one time threatened to walk off the course .
13 A little later , at 7 p.m. , the whole scene was lit up from time to time by electrical discharges , and at one time the cloud above the mountain presented ‘ the appearance of an immense pine tree , with the stem and branches formed with volcanic lightning ’ .
14 The train drew in to Penn Station with the arguments still raging round Uncle Mick 's grizzled head , but that head was still unbowed and at one time Denis was sure he saw a wink in the wicked old eye as he took on about three arguments at once and lost all of them .
15 Anne , the Pixie Second , often ran errands for her , and at one time or another most of the Brownies in the Pack had done a good turn for the little old lady .
16 Either side of the church the ground slopes away sharply , and at one time , in my earlier visualization , a stream defied the laws of gravity to flow towards the church and then away again .
17 The first alternative ( and at one time in the News International dispute it was considered a possibility ) , is to fight censorship at an institutional level ; that is , for the professional association as an organization to join battle with the local authority or similar organization , by recourse to legal means whenever censorship arises .
18 A woman present asked if Elizabeth were my sister , and at one time I wished she had been — but better not , for she would have lost an adored and incalculable mother and gained a dreadfully unhappy home ; and it would be a pity if we had shared the same literary material .
19 Few men have been able to resist their strength and beauty , and at one time would congregate at the base of the zigzag path which led to the French village of Faye , hoping for a glimpse .
20 Some are better at controlling one pest than another , and at one time a well-stocked garden shed contained enough chemicals to stock a chemist 's shop — but no longer .
21 They were obviously attracted to the boat by the number of ‘ gulls-in-waiting ’ , and at one time there were fourteen of these handsome pirates flying around .
22 This has created severe financial problems and at one time he was heavily in debt to the bank .
23 The French gave support to the Scots who , from very early on in the new reign , caused trouble in the north ; while to the west , in Wales , where Owain Glyn Dŵr was to rise against English rule in 1400 , French troops landed and at one time might have been seen in the Herefordshire countryside .
24 He became the local agent of US manufacturers and engine parts stockists , and at one time represented as many as 15 companies .
25 The reports prepared by the local authority 's social workers indicate that initially all the children made good progress with the foster mother and at one time their adoption by her was contemplated .
26 You are a professional photographer , and at one time you pursued your calling at certain two-storey premises in — um — Silmour Street , is that correct ? ’
27 He was a director of public companies , the proprietor and editor of a journal , gas inspector and expert witness , and at one time he owned a gold mine ; he did his work in a laboratory of his own …
28 ‘ whether … its members can work as a team while they are apart , contributing to a sequence of activities rather than to a common task , which requires their presence in one place and at one time . ’
29 It was a peculiar street because Street was on a higher level and at one time , the dam which must have been open , now the dam when I mention the dam , it 's the mill lead , but known to everybody in Galashiels as the dam .
30 I was an old London man myself , and at one time I was manager of the branch in Upper Thames Street — that 's going back to just after the war .
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