Example sentences of "and on the other " in BNC.

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1 Mais r-r-rien de plus ! ’ ; and on the other , and also out of his own mouth , ‘ sponging has never been the guiding principle of my actions .
2 And on the other hand , there are ‘ less organised religious impulses ’ , religion as individual preference .
3 On the one hand we are being told we must deal with the deficit , and on the other that we must not close things and rock the boat with the NHS White Paper around . ’
4 For example , when discussing the passage from matriliny to patriliny , Engels [ p. 119 ] echoes Morgan 's formulation in the following way:s ‘ Thus , on the one hand , in proportion as wealth increased ( as a result of the domestication of animals ) it made the man 's position in the family more important than the woman 's , and on the other hand created an impulse to exploit this strengthened position in order to overthrow , in favour of his children , the traditional order of inheritance .
5 The whole joint family is on the scene , bearing the onslaught of British society and groaning with agony as a result groaning on the one hand because of the intense racism and poverty it faces and on the other because of the confusions caused by the irrelevance in Britain of its most valued concepts .
6 And on the other burning question that was asked time and time again — whether she will have more children — he said , digging an even deeper hole for himself :
7 And on the other side of the Atlantic too .
8 When I changed buses there was just time to get the sweets and bananas — the bananas were very good today ; and on the other bus there was a nice driver who said that if I sat near the front he would let me off at the crossing if he was held up in the traffic , instead of my going on to the bus stop and having to walk back ; because of the rain . ’
9 As the quotation shows , the two types of blood were perceived as two sides of the same coin : on the one side positive male blood and on the other negative female blood .
10 And on the other end of the line , the spineless , boneless baby-kissers : all eagerly participating in the charade , briefly pretending to be interested in these individuals , in order to make importuning for votes look like philanthropy and vacant sayings appear new minted .
11 At the same time , there are a number of other much-debated and longstanding issues which would connect closely with the findings and interpretation of a larger programme of studies : the decentralization debate ; the tension between professional development and autonomy , on the one hand , and on the other the existence of accountability and resource-rationing mechanisms ; the nature of supervision and the role of the team-leader/manager .
12 On each side of the double flight of steps on the front elevation of the Villa , a statue was erected ; on the one side Palladio and on the other , Inigo Jones ; they are there lo this day .
13 Also , in the meantime , a military revolt had taken place in the Spanish army , lead by General Franco , and it soon became clear the division of the contending sides were , on the one side , The Nationalists who were strongly supported by Italy , Germany and Portugal , and on The other side , the government forces , supported by Communist Russia , which led to that side being referred to as ‘ Republicans ’ .
14 Existing management structures and knowledge bases are on the one hand inappropriate , and on the other largely inadequate , for this task and these inadequacies are very serious constraints ; of the two , the lack of adequate knowledge bases for evaluation in a process sense is probably more important but it is also the point at which the greatest development could take place .
15 For many years the arguments for access to information have emphasised on the one hand the private values of privacy and autonomy and on the other hand the public values of democratic involvement in decision making .
16 There is some irony in the fact that many schools are on the one hand educating children about healthy eating and on the other selling at break time nothing less than junk foods such as crisps , chewy fruit sweets and chocolate bars .
17 On one hand , you have the ultimate spartan aesthetic for portraits : the passport photo — cold , detached , flatly lit etc — and on the other hand , there are heavily manipulated images in which the person who 's producing them is far more physically involved .
18 And out of the dark woods came the black man , leading his horse on one arm , and on the other a tall grey hound with the saddest face I have ever seen on any creature .
19 On one side of the desk officials leisurely scrutinise and catalogue every marketable item , and on the other , baggage handlers maintain a cacophony of stage whispers , demanding ‘ Johnny Walker ’ .
20 And on the other side there is the backing trio straining at the leash to counter the drifting introspection with their light but impassioned playing . ’
21 On both occasions she had been struck by the contrast between on the one hand the beauty of the Bay itself , the islands , the fine buildings towards Posillipo and on the other the cramped and jumbled desperation of the mean and bustly streets immediately below her .
22 There is probably an equal number of people , for example , who think that the less able have a poor deal , and that the system should be geared more towards improving their lot , and on the other hand of those who think that it is the most able who suffer , and that we are wasting our educational resources unless we tilt the system towards them .
23 Do n't just limit this to everything in front of you , but look [ all ] around you , even behind you and on the other side of the sail .
24 The most immediate is what to do about the coal industry in the face of weak demand , uneconomic pits and fundamental disagreements between , on the one hand , the miners ' union ( NUM ) together with much of the trade union movement , and on the other the National Coal Board ( NCB ) and the government .
25 Liam Murphy stood at one side of the grave with a tiny white casket in his arms , and on the other side , Kevin O'Neil carried the same sad load .
26 This greater need is created , on the one hand , by the direct costs of disability — drugs , special diets , clothing , incontinence pads , handrails — and on the other hand , by the indirect costs .
27 Towards the river we should have a grand place ; on one side a handsome lofty range of public offices , and on the other side the beautiful river with stone quays , and Lambeth , which would no doubt gradually partake of the improvement .
28 There is a kind of insularity at Lochranza cut off from the Corrie side by the great glens and hills of Sannox and on the other side by the long wild uninhabited coastal stretch to Catacol .
29 Built into the very heart of the new system is a tension between , on the one hand a central requirement ( which is also a local or individual entitlement ) , and on the other a fragmented delivery system supposedly made dynamic by competition for pupils , parental support , finance and staff .
30 The diversity of munition products is exemplified by , on the one hand , the gun and aperture sights for the American Lewis guns , high precision work ( they had to be correct to less than a thousandth part of an inch ) of which 27 , 900 were produced , and on the other hand the unpacking and assembly of the American-manufactured Mercer and Hyster Mobile Cranes , 169 of the former and 207 of the latter being dealt with in addition to 37 Elwell Parker Lift Trucks .
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