Example sentences of "and a small [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm a small turnip please and a small cabbage .
2 A pilot-induced phugoid — shoving the stick to 10 kts over the cruise speed and seeing how long it takes to stabilise in pitch — resulted in one swoop and a small dive before VS returned to level flight .
3 Despite the fact that the rich have become considerably richer in the recent past , due largely to the relative rise in the value of industrial capital , combined with an array of favourable tax changes , large numbers of other citizens are in the process of acquiring the ownership of their own homes , considerable pension rights and a small portfolio of shares .
4 He handed Dimity the flowers with a smile and a small bow .
5 A ⅜in dowel is set in the ends and the partition over the vent hole and a small brass screw holds a leather washer on to the post to act as a stop .
6 An area about 2.1 m sq and a small approach path are surfaced with handmade Sussex Terracotta tiles .
7 There is some doubt about the provenance of the fine ivory sculpture found at Mycenae , depicting two goddesses and a small boy-god .
8 So the discharge itself is wiped away , and a small platinum loop or a cotton-wool-tipped orange stick is gently inserted into the urethral meatus , and samples from the urethra are plated out on the relevant culture media while others are smeared onto a microscope slide for staining and examination .
9 As a matter of interest and as a direct result of our attendance at five of these Auctions — a total of 37 unweaned foals and ponies were rescued , and a small FOAL SANCTUARY has just been set up in Burnley for their rehabilitation .
10 A mildly magnetised screwdriver may drive the system right off-scale from a foot away and a small magnet can be detected at six to eight feet .
11 The end result of the working party 's efforts and a small pilot project in four representative practices should be a single assessment form for doctors to complete .
12 Everyone remarks on how aggressive it now is , and it seems Down Under , Hewlett-Packard Co made its point about its new mainframe-killing Emerald servers by launching them in the Fossil Gallery of the Australian Museum , carefully labelling the dinosaur skeletons with jibes at IBM Corp , Hitachi Ltd , Fujitsu Ltd , Amdahl Corp and Digital Equipment Corp : legends such as ‘ ES/9000 — a large body and a small brain led this animal to become extinct ’ .
13 Although the creature walked upright , the combination of specialised chewing behaviour and a small brain does not make it our direct ancestor .
14 ‘ We are living on my savings and a small settlement from my divorce .
15 There 's little else to the accommodation apart from an open-plan head to the starboard and a small galley opposite .
16 The museum a branch of the Württembergisches Landesmuseum Stuttgart also has a room and a small budget of DM100,000 ( £34,812 ; $61,164 ) for temporary exhibitions of contemporary art .
17 Shafts of bright sunlight pierced the smoke as it welled up from the eaves and spread across the roof in a fine blue film. , Kāli came out into the doorway with a plate of puris and a small bowl of oil .
18 I put an old eiderdown and a small pillow in the coffin and waited .
19 Several other kicking and punching bags are also used , including a large bag for developing power and a small kick bag for impact and timing .
20 A small capacitance in parallel with the feedback resistance R and a small resistance in series with the capacitance C helps to overcome this problem .
21 2 oz ( 50g ) smoked turkey breast and a small bread roll ( 1oz [ 25g ] ) spread with a little mustard OR 8oz ( 200g ) tinned grapefruit in natural juice topped with a 5oz ( 1 25g ) diet grapefruit yogurt
22 A combination of a biographical dictionary of activists begun in the 1920s ( which was cut short by Stalin after completion of only the volumes covering the 1860s , 70s and a small proportion of the activists of 1880–1904 ) and the meticulous records of the Police and Justice Departments on political arrests have made possible rough estimates of the number who actually fell foul of the authorities .
23 About a quarter of participants , however , did not operate an asthma clinic or employ a practice nurse trained in asthma care , and a small proportion of participants did not possess a portable nebuliser .
24 The money would be spent to pay social insurance benefits to people who had been persecuted and driven out of the country at the time of the Anschluss and were now living in countries such as Israel and the United States , and a small proportion would be devoted to projects in Austria .
25 In terms of financial intermediation it is only externally funded schemes that carry out an intermediary function , as the funds collected for future pension payments are invested in financial assets ( and a small proportion in real assets — property and works of art ) in order to earn a return on investments to be able to pay out future pensions , whereas in pay-as-you-go funds are merely transferred from present employees to present pensioners , with no financial intermediation taking place .
26 The bridge plate should only need replacing if it is split or lifting away from beneath the table ; check for this by looking inside with a torch and a small mirror .
27 All we took from our own home was a dressing table and a small chest of drawers .
28 There is usually a square grid of lines on the backing , which makes it easy to cut it in straight lines , and a small roll can cover quite a few items .
29 Take an imperial sheet of cartridge paper and a small roll of gummed tape .
30 This contained cunningly inlaid pouches holding a little gold and some silver ( which I pocketed to have Masses said for the poor man 's soul ) , and a small roll of parchment .
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