Example sentences of "and a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And then I began to notice that the pictures on the walls were all prints of cavalry regiments , and a hatstand in a corner was n't really a hatstand but another empty shell case with a clutch of regimental flags standing in it .
2 Dean White , 23 , from Chepstow , Gwent , who suffered cracked ribs and bruising , was swept on to a mudbank in the dark and found by members of the Army Apprentice College at Chepstow , after coastguards with spotlights and a helicopter with heat-searching equipment had searched without success .
3 A full air sea rescue was put into operation , involving St Mary 's lifeboat and a helicopter from Valley .
4 A rescue involving St Mary 's lifeboat and a helicopter from RAF Valley , Anglesey was launched .
5 We had cycled on the road from Bodø to Fauske and on the Sulitjelma ; pushed the bikes over to Sorjusjaure ; ridden and swum our way to Staloluokta within the Padjelanta National Park ; and then thrashed our way on the faster tracks through Arasluokuoktastugorna , Låddejåkkåstugana and Kisurisstugan to Akkastugorna and a ferry to Ritjemokk , before cycling by road to Vietas ; and gone by plane to Sitastugan at the north-west end of Sitasjaure .
6 This tradition of fostering decentralised decisions and a degree of buccaneering , safeguarded by a highly conservative balance sheet , has enabled Hongkong Bank to prosper in the fast-wheeling markets of Asia .
7 The aim has been to combine the old architecture with new building that relies on traditional materials and a degree of craftsmanship .
8 The major external factors which limit development potential will have to be lifted and a degree of protection for certain areas , commodities or social groups will be essential if the rehabilitation of agriculture is to take place .
9 The feeling is growing that since the occupiers of rural land benefit considerably from tax-payers ' money then tax-payers should have access to , and a degree of control over the use of such land .
10 Provision must be made for emergencies and a degree of flexibility maintained to allow for changing circumstances , such as the introduction of a new subject or course .
11 Along with the mental deterioration comes a physical decline with fits , incontinence , difficulty with speech , and a degree of spastic paralysis .
12 To see this platform threatened by a mere Smiths ' power game , hardly proved good PR for the band and a degree of bad feeling began to boil away in their home city .
13 Most librarians prefer to divide orders amongst a number of booksellers in order to give themselves greater flexibility and a degree of control over the standards of service , and also to make use of the specializations of different dealers .
14 Certainly there are broad similarities and a degree of categorisation is possible but with detailed analysis there are always differences .
15 This would provide incentives to employees and a degree of continuity for the business .
16 To create a quality of life that is admired by all your friends who do not live alone , demands thought , planning , perseverance and a degree of practicality , although in essence all of this is determined by the will to live rather than merely exist .
17 At 10 degrees off the vertical , shadows and a degree of ‘ depth ’ convey a bird 's eye view impression , and the surrounding activity begins to contribute interest to the photograph .
18 British Airways is bidding for a 25% stake in the Australian airline , but will have to fight off challenges from Singapore Airlines and Air New Zealand , and a degree of ‘ anti-Pommie ’ feeling Down Under .
19 ‘ The notion of ‘ business ’ , ’ it said , ‘ implied repeated activity , and a degree of organisation which had as its aim the realisation of profit ’ .
20 Each embodies a core of 20 weeks ' accounting , linked with auditing if necessary , and a degree of flexibility to accommodate work experience programmes in taxation , financial management , insolvency and information technology — the last two having been hitherto restricted to the post-qualification stage .
21 Kirov turned the brief list over in his mind , and a degree of optimism returned .
22 In practice , historical traditions , and a degree of Soviet respect for them , qualify this requirement in particular instances ( like a large measure of private land ownership in Poland ) .
23 And a degree of global harmonisation is a good thing .
24 There may be time lags and a degree of sub-optimality in the correspondence between relations of production and legal relations , but otherwise law is functional for the economic base .
25 It also incorporates disk mirroring and a degree of fault-tolerance , as well as virtual array disks .
26 Participants should have a leadership role in their place of work and a degree of at least BA level .
27 Curiosity , quick wits and a degree of practical skill , presented in a measure appropriate to a precocious , solitary youth , make Quinn 's exploits plausible .
28 This was achieved using the information in Text710 version of the OALD [ Mitton , 1986 ] and a degree of manual post-editing and checking [ Keenan , 1992 ] .
29 In this way the conflict of interest between the classes is disguised and a degree of social stability produced , but the basic contradictions and conflicts of class societies remain unresolved .
30 First , that the avant-garde movements have , typically , a metropolitan base ( where ‘ metropolitan ’ must be distinguished from both ‘ urban ’ and ‘ national capital ’ definitions , its key factors being a relative [ especially cultural ] autonomy and a degree of internationalization , itself often related to imperialism ) .
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