Example sentences of "and in a state " in BNC.

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1 Arthur Ramsey was found with his injuries and in a state of shock and muttering , ‘ It was such a little thing , I was just trying to put my coat right . ’
2 I returned to face my next class with wildly beating heart and in a state of utter confusion , of mingled joy , misery , hope and despair .
3 Anyway , unclean and in a state of domestic seclusion , they thus became increasingly less involved in matters of public religion , and the situation quickly developed wherein their non-participation was viewed in terms of actual exclusion rather than mere exemption .
4 When someone dies , then , there is a vast range of practical decision-making to be done by people who , as we have said , are likely to be shocked and in a state of indecision .
5 ‘ It is striking , ’ he concluded , ‘ that while strict laws govern the use of motor vehicles , anyone may hire a marine craft and then , with no experience whatsoever , without a life-jacket , unable to swim and in a state of advanced inebriation , attempt to navigate a busy and treacherous public waterway .
6 She hastily returned it to its place , and in a state of some agitation went back to her car and sat there until she felt calm again .
7 ‘ Both the girl and her boyfriend are extremely upset and in a state of severe shock .
8 Apart from a daughter who was believed to be barren he had no other near kin living and in a state of acute depression he determined to sell up and go to the Holy Land .
9 The product technology was also complex and in a state of constant development .
10 Stuart Hall suggests that certain artistic and aesthetic practices prefigure a new conception of ethnicity , one which would be neither homogeneous nor normative , but always negotiated and in a state of becoming .
11 When Richard Branson returned from New York somewhat hung-over and in a state of weary exhilaration , there was a visitor waiting at his London home to see him .
12 It had been woken from its sleep by the central heating and in a state of despair and paranoia dive-bombed the double glazing in a vain effort to escape .
13 Money set aside by Borders Regional Council to keep the delicate equipment mothballed and in a state of good repair runs out next month .
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