Example sentences of "and in a number " in BNC.

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1 Conventional moving walkways such as those at London 's Heathrow Airport and in a number of Paris metro stations travel at less than normal walking pace .
2 Increasingly it is to be found and in a number of different forms .
3 They 're available in natural white for painting , and in a number of colourways .
4 The lack of SQL Access Group documentation has caused customer and database vendors a significant amount of frustration and in a number of cases has forced them to turn to alternatives , such as IBM Corp 's Distributed Relational Data Architecture .
5 Almost all the colonies the English ever acquired were of one or another of these three types , and in a number of other ways the overseas activities undertaken between the 1550s and the 1640s laid down the pattern for all that was to come .
6 He was now " Dear old Ez " , and in a number of letters they commiserated about the problems of age .
7 Er , in a number of ways I think everybody will agree that it 's been improved by er the er demolition of the terrace blocks , rather than refurbishment and the opportunity has been taken to create erm perhaps a a more comfortable relationship between bungalows that are about to be refurbished and the new houses , because the new houses are designed in such a way as to keep the scale down so whereas the terraced blocks were anything up to four storey , the new houses will only be two storey and in a number of cases they will they will be a relatively low two storey so that erm I will just point out on the front elevations that the roof comes down fairly low relative to the first floor windows so that it 's not too much above the , the roofs on the bungalows , we 're not talking about compromising people 's heads on the internal though !
8 So , the other things that had erm we 've endeavoured to incorporate is to try and not divide the estate , one of the one of the aims of the master plan has been to seen to integrate bungalows and any new housing together and in a number of respects the demolition of the terraced blocks and the er er , putting back of more conventional two storey housing has allowed us to do this by rather than having a access road running the whole length of the estate and similarly the that are running past the length of the estate away from the houses we 've we 've put the houses where the road is and the road where the house , where the terraced blocks were , erm to form more of a conventional street scape so that people can look out on their cars and that we , you actually got the new houses facing the existing ones .
9 The main function of the passive in English and in a number of other languages is , as already mentioned , to avoid specifying the agent and to give an impression of objectivity .
10 Alterations in RNA splicing have been noted previously in transformed human cells ( 8 ) , metastasizing tumor cells ( 29 ) , and in a number of inherited diseases .
11 This allows them to be produced at virtually any size and in a number of different styles as required .
12 The strongest growth of total employment was reported by the USSR , in Scandinavia ( which has the highest proportion of its population at work ) , and in a number of countries in central and eastern Europe such as Austria , Yugoslavia and Romania ( a broadly similar pattern is evident for manufacturing employment ) .
13 He also built several handsome examples in masonry ; and , most important , at the Ouseburn and Willington Dene bridges ( 1836–9 , demolished ) on the Newcastle and North Shields Railway and in a number of subsequent examples he successfully employed a system of laminated timber arches , which , for a short time , was widely imitated in railway-bridge construction .
14 As we have seen , in England this is very largely concentrated in the further education sector in the former colleges of education ( technical ) and in a number of polytechnics and other colleges .
15 These themes are pursued across a range of tripartite associations in differing sectors of the economy , and in a number of countries .
16 Other parts of the digestive system may , however , also be affected and in a number of different studies constipation and diarrhoea as well as impaired gall bladder contraction in diabetic patients have been attributed to autonomic neuropathy .
17 More recent studies , however , have not confirmed this finding and in a number of studies , patients in relapse have been treated with doses up to 4.8 g daily without untoward effect .
18 The existence of well developed facilities for borrowing and lending stock can be seen as an alternative to the " repo market " found in the USA and in a number of other countries .
19 But before I leave this particular part of my criticism er perhaps er in case the minister er er does n't accept what I 'm saying I could quote er the words of the right honourable gentleman , the President of the Board of Trade er who writing before he was a President er in his book where there 's a will he said accountancy firms ought I believe , the debarred from doing any other work for a company for which they act as auditors and in a number of other countries there are laws which circumscribe auditors in this way and prevent to prevent any possible conflict of interest .
20 One of the other advantages of this scheme is that the student erm spends some months each year in the company , and in a number of cases in the past this has led to the student erm getting a job when he leaves .
21 The Vanbrugh have already played in the Americas — north , central and south — and in a number of European countries , including the Menuhin Festival in Switzerland .
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