Example sentences of "and in a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Woods and Rawlings ( 1989 ) also point out that genetic engineering has considerable application in this field by developing improved strains of the relevant bacteria which are more efficient , can operate on a wider variety of substrates and in a wider variety of environmental conditions .
2 The housing market impacts on consumer spending in two ways : directly , in that a higher number of house-moves brings forward purchasing of consumer durables and DIY products ; and in a wider context , because as property values appreciate , homeowners become wealthier and therefore likely to spend more .
3 The second raid was a diversion for now that raiding was becoming more organised , full use could be made of feints and diversions to distract defenders from intended targets , and in a wider strategy the whole policy of raiding would involve a major distraction of the enemy towards an invasion of Norway , not France .
4 Young children have a very real need to place themselves in time and in a wider social context , and at a very basic level they need to explore the past before they were born and to begin to share the collective human memory .
5 Medau came to Dartmouth — and in a wider sense , Devon — via Moyra Hopley who moved here from Essex .
6 Any one of those things would have been unusual in itself ; jointly , and in a humbler personage , it would have verged on the scandalous .
7 For the first time , it occurs to me that my body has needs for food , needs of its own that I ca n't try to overrule with dieting and ferocious exercise and fasting ; and in a bigger way , I realise that I have needs of all kinds that I had tried to ignore : a need for food , a need to be loved , a need to feel accepted , a need for independence , a need to grow up , and a need for security .
8 in social well-being , and in a juster distribution of the fruits of Labour .
9 We shall be able to undertake that task more fully and in a better manner in future .
10 Degrees in such fields may include courses or options on the ‘ philosophy of ’ the field , and in a looser sense still , people may refer to any fundamental statements or questions in a field as ‘ philosophical ’ .
11 Chimpanzees use tools more often and in a greater variety of ways than any other animal , except man .
12 There are many local walks , including Offa 's Dyke ( with its 168 miles of rugged footpath ) , and in a gentler vein , the 170 acres of the wooded Queenswood Country Park .
13 And in a worse position than because the North they 've never done any deals , never seen anybody , national accounts , done nothing in that area in terms of deals and negotiations and things like that and it was only six months ago that where could actually find out he could do deals .
14 Britain emerged from war in 1918 both stronger and in a healthier economic state than her European neighbours ( Aldcroft , 1986 ) .
15 And in a larger sense community is affirmed , and the complexities of social life dissolved .
16 Produce could be moved more rapidly and in a fresher state by truck .
17 Many of the large Homes have small teams which run separate units , and in a smaller Home there 's some teamwork as well .
18 Formally clipped bay-trees trimmed into shapes as balls , pyramids or cones look superb outside front-doors or as eye-catchers on a terrace or patio ; rosemary can serve the same purpose , and in a smaller way , so can rue , lavender , sage and cotton lavender .
19 The grass of the lawn is green in a circle around a sprinkler ( not turned on ) and in a smaller patch around a longstanding leak in the hose ; the rest is brown grass or bare , cracked earth .
20 Shanan , referring to a 1978 survey of 14.6 × 106 ha , asserts that in 13 per cent of the area the water-table was less than 1.8 m below the surface and in a further 41 per cent of the area it was between 1.8 and 3 m depth .
21 And in a further blow to peace hopes , Serbia 's ruling Socialist Party ( SPS ) rejected the latest draft of an EC peace plan to be discussed at The Hague today .
22 In Buckinghamshire nineteen parishes , or more than 9 per cent , had no glebe by the seventeenth century , several had also been depopulated , and in a further half-dozen the living was impropriate .
23 The first visit of a delegation from the Chinese PLA ( People 's Liberation Army ) since 1961 took place in September 1991 , and in a further sign of improving relations , Defence Minister Lt.-Gen.
24 Essentially the same arguments were presented by Serrano Suñer when he met Hitler and Ribbentrop at Berchtesgaden on 19 November ; by Serrano to the German ambassador , Stohrer , on 29 November 1940 and 27 January 1941 ; by Franco in December 1940 and January 1941 , in response to German suggestions that Germany fix the date for Spanish entry , in his meeting with Mussolini at Bordighera in February 1941 and in a further letter to Hitler , also in February 1941 .
25 In the same patient haemoperitoneum and haemothorax occurred and in a further patient a large subcutaneous haematoma was seen .
26 With a response rate of seventy eight per cent the A D F F survey reveals that in eighty two per cent of the eighty four authorities that replied , budget reductions were planned and in a further eight per cent a standstill budget was expected .
27 Used for pelmets and in a finer quality for curtain headings .
28 The development of participative popular democracy both ‘ at work ’ and in a broader social context — in itself a distinction the sharpness of which socialists wish to reduce by such means as Marx 's ‘ polytechnic ’ education and the creation of closer links between industry and community .
29 He was well beaten and in a later race broke a blood vessel .
30 John was so sure of an encore that he rehearsed the girls in a burlesque version of a quartet from the Gaiety Theatre in London , and in a later scene they performed a coconut dance — a long-established feature of theatre and street dance of the time .
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