Example sentences of "and the more [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Next is the fact that the more dots you have the longer it 's going to take to process them and the more memory you 'll need to hold the bitmap .
2 And the more success it has , the more self-esteem it gains , and the more confidence it has to compete against others , or even the environment .
3 We said yesterday , journalists are frequently very pushed for time , some of them are lazy , and the more help you give them , and the same is true for radio , the better .
4 And the more problems you spot , the more money you 'll save .
5 Maarouf Saad , the leftist mayor of Sidon , was fatally wounded in a fishermen 's demonstration and in further fighting the Lebanese national army — largely commanded , of course , by Christians — came into conflict with Muslim gunmen and the more radical of the PLO 's Palestinian guerrilla groups .
6 Two proposals were presented to the Congress on Nov. 1 , and the more radical was supported by 618 deputies .
7 In very few cases is homework a freely chosen option and the more women are trapped into it the more likely is the erosion of services , nursery centres and transport , to trap them into it .
8 ‘ Alan is a great player but I find it strange that a Scot is preferred to an Irishman and the more matches I win , the bigger the snub will be . ’
9 ‘ Alan is a great player but I find it strange that a Scot is preferred to an Irishman and the more matches I win , the bigger the snub will be . ’
10 The more limits you have and the more limits you apply for , the greater the cost .
11 And the more deals they get , the bigger they become .
12 The faster the heart beats the more rapidly we may be inclined to breathe and the more oxygen we take in .
13 You 'll find the rates very competitive — and the more money in your account , the higher interest you receive .
14 And I had an incentive to work hard because the higher you go , the more exams you pass , and the more money you get .
15 But they also have certain weaknesses , for the more exact one tries to become about functions , the more slippery they become , and the more scope there is for variation and disagreement .
16 At the very least the results of the experiment reported in this paper remind us that not all economic agents optimize all the time , though it would appear that the simpler the problem being tackled and the more experience people have of it , the nearer to the optimal they are likely to be .
17 It 's worrying the PM and the more reports I study the more my anxiety grows .
18 The number of firms is larger , the smaller fixed costs ( C ) relative to the total sales ( δM ) , the greater the preference for variety ( ) , and the more account taken of the indirect effect ( γ ) .
19 And the more people you influence , the higher your status .
20 And the more people that know what good work we do the better .
21 and the more people are aware of that .
22 The closer we come to the game the more we focus as a group , and the more people drop off the equation .
23 Hunter observed that ‘ … the whole viscera when all the Blood is press 'd out goes into a very little bulk , even the Liver will lose vastly of its bulk and in short the whole viscera will come into a small compass when they are well clean 'd and put into dry cloths ; you are then to go to the trunk of the Body and empty it of Blood as well as you can and press the Blood out from the Face , Hands , etc. as well as Arms , and the more Blood is pressed out the better ’ .
24 Being technically aware of your body is very important and the more drama school does about that the better .
25 And the more links that are discovered between mental and neural processes , the smaller the dualist gap becomes .
26 And the more beer he drank , the less he thought about it .
27 One engineering psychologist has stated this ideal for man at work : ‘ The more complex the human task the less precise and the more variable becomes the man … .
28 The less expected a choice , the more marked it is and the more meaning it carries ; the more expected , the less marked it is and the less significance it will have .
29 Except where marriage occurs at a very young age , the earlier a woman marries , the younger she is when she bears her first child , and the more children she has when she reaches the end of her reproductive years , other things being equal .
30 The more centralized , urbanized and mechanized a society becomes , the less control we have and the more violence is bred .
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