Example sentences of "and about the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A great deal of time was spent talking about the paquet and about the postal service .
2 Recently , there has been considerable national publicity and extensive media coverage demonstrating increasing public concern about self-medication , and about the adverse effects of ‘ multi-prescription ’ .
3 Already quite a lot was known about the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIs ) , used mainly to treat arthritis and other joint inflammation ; about who was likely to receive prescription for them ; and about the adverse reactions they had caused .
4 Fenella looked at Floy and remembered about the Robemaker and the way he had captured Nuadu and rendered them all helpless , and about the exiled Court and the sidh and the Tree Spirits that Miach had almost awoken , and which might turn out not to be friends , but enemies .
5 Now , I know our views on this will differ somewhat , but even the European Commission has publicly expressed its concern just recently over the levels of unemployment across Europe and about the international competitiveness of European industry compared with the rest of the world .
6 In my opinion , the sooner that we return to serious discussion about the government of the Province , and about the other considerations that were invested in the earlier talks , the better the people of Northern Ireland will be served .
7 I 'm wondering whether I should say anything to her about the police , and about the retired judge Jamieson being ‘ assaulted ’ , whatever that means .
8 But the Board was concerned far less about the private use of ‘ blue movies ’ as an aphrodisiac than about the increasing taste for sadism and other ‘ bizarre practices ’ in films and about the worrying influx into Britain of child pornography .
9 And about the closed lips is the merest hint of a Mona Lisa smile .
10 My hon. Friend is entirely right about that , and about the Labour party .
11 Hincmar is perfectly explicit about assembly management ( as an archbishop , he had much experience of running synods ) and about the crucial need for confidentiality on the part of counsellors .
12 Everything is higher and about the worse in prediction , do you remember last time you got
13 He remembered that they had forgotten about dusk and about twilight on Renascia and about the strange tricks that the shadows could play .
14 I could n't spell and about the only time in your life you 're not allowed to use a dictionary is in an English ‘ O ’ level exam . ’
15 ‘ All this type of modern music that we play , if you think back to when it all started , whether it 's thrash , rap , disco , rock'n'roll , it all started with black people in slavery and poverty in the southern States , and about the only thing they could ever have a good time with was sex .
16 ‘ She was smashed out of her brains , Fergus , and about the only thing she remembered was that she wanted to get your trousers off .
17 As Jennings ( 1982 , p. 67 ) has observed , most councillors are backbenchers , not policy-makers , and about the only vital service they see themselves doing is casework for their constituents .
18 If a girl is lucky and her parents are alive , she goes to her mother 's house for the last few months of her pregnancy and about the first three months of the baby 's life .
19 So I learnt about the Greeks and Romans , and about Christ , and about the first white men in America and the sad story of the Indians .
20 When the Social Services ' Committee raised concerns about basic definitions for collaborative working and about the apparent overlap between the care programme approach and care management , the Secretary of State for Health referred them to Community Care in the Next Decade and Beyond — Policy Guidance .
21 The second is the broader area of information about the education authority 's policies and arrangements and about the individual school itself .
22 When those at the level of schools read about allegations of incompetence on the part of the earlier separate Universities Funding Council and about the individual difficulties of separate universities , they felt frustration about the apparent misuse of money in other sectors or believed that if other people got their sums wrong , they in schools should also have been excused .
23 ‘ Fundamental questions are being posed at the same time about the company itself and about the strategic character of the industry . ’
24 Erm but if , if you can have a look at , at some of the taxation stuff and about the mutual aid
25 I would like to say a last word about Amis 's voices , and about the long words which have been or might be laid on his confident art — a terminology for which he is unlikely to be grateful .
26 It was fifteen days before Isambard 's inconspicuous agents in Pool and about the hospitable courtyard of Strata Marcella picked up traces of the Welsh marauders .
27 Mr Cunningham began : ‘ Jilly Cooper 's latest chronicle of life in and about the chintzed-up Cotswolds village of Paradise , Rutshire ( Pop : media yobs , polo-players , helicopter owners , a poofy vicar , a malapropic cleaning woman and the odd ennobled jam-maker ) is pretty nasty and usually brutish .
28 In a 1975 introduction to his first novel , Jill , Larkin has revealed what his college life in war-time Oxford was like , and how he first met Amis there — an account somewhat amended by Amis in his contribution to Larkin at Sixty ( 1982 ) ; and collections of essays with titles like My Oxford ( 1977 ) and My Cambridge ( 1977 ) have assembled reminiscences of how mind and character were once forged round and about the tender age of twenty .
29 Leapor communicated with a ‘ Gentleman ’ about the choice of a specimen to be printed with the proposals , about revisions , and about the total number of lines she had written [ see ML , 2 , 314–315 ] .
30 Also gives information on sandwich courses , and about the professional examinations necessary and the university , polytechnic and college courses which are recognised for exemption .
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