Example sentences of "and then to the " in BNC.

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1 If somebody can manoeuvre your tape to the receptionist , who gets it to the secretary and then to the A&R person , it has to help your chances .
2 Burbank 's ‘ descending ’ leads to ‘ fell ’ and passes ‘ under sea ’ to a divine explanation of events and then to the mythological splendour of the ascent of the horses of the dawn ( a little sabotaged by the questionable diction of ‘ Beat up ’ ) .
3 For several hours we would be transported via the newsreel to the exotic East , where American soldiers were valiantly fighting the red , or was it yellow peril , and then to the Wild West , where Hoot Gibson or Eddy Dean would be showing cattle rustlers or unfriendly Indians ‘ what America stood for ’ .
4 In a day that saw 100 minutes of playing time lost , first to crowd trouble and then to the weather , Wasim Akram finished with five for 101 after the tourists had gone from 181 for three overnight to 324 all out .
5 Tug slumped into a chair and looked first to one side and then to the other .
6 Such research provides a means of tracing the progress of technological change : for example the development from the early exploitation of native metal to the alloying of copper with arsenic or tin to make bronze and then to the large-scale manufacture of brass ( copper-zinc alloy ) by the Romans .
7 The CO leant across to the officer on his right , and then to the one on his left .
8 The Sahara was theirs from the southern outskirts of Ajdabiya to the Egyptian border , to Wainat and Sudan , and then to the French conquests in Chad .
9 In Glasgow Garscadden Mr Donald Dewar , Labour 's shadow Scottish secretary , saw off a strong challenge from Mr Dick Douglas , the former Labour MP who defected first to the Scottish Labour Party , and then to the SNP .
10 The Mozarts left England in August 1765 , travelling by way of Canterbury , to Dover , across the channel to Calais and then to The Hague where they had been invited to perform before Princess Caroline of Nassau-Weilburg .
11 Here is a special Times supplement , no less , devoted to the future recovery of Lebanon in which I write of the ships returning to Beirut port , of the re-opening of central banking facilities , the renovations at the temples of Baalbek , the arrival of the first postwar tourists — Swedes , of course — who were bussed off to the ruins of the Palestinian camp of Tel al-Za'atar and then to the Bekaa .
12 The original route would have taken the march up the steep slopes of Simpson 's Brae and Distillery Brae to Spencer Road and then to the upper tier of Craigavon Bridge .
13 First she dedicated her song that night to the man who was bleeding ( he was still in The Bar , the taxi had n't come yet ) , and then to the men who had brought their fists down on his face just two streets from her Bar .
14 We follow his transition from international sprinter to club coach and then to the mastermind of an élite group of world-class sprinters — Angella Taylor-Issajenko , Tony Sharpe , Mark McCoy and Desai Williams were all medal-winners with Ben Johnson in the Commonwealth Games of 1982 .
15 Nutty could see that the three boys were so keen to get started she suggested they repaired there and then to the back of the bicycle sheds and had a go to see what it was like .
16 The mantle of scapegoat was passed down through Scotland 's goal keeping history from Martin to Haffey , to Kennedy to Rough and then to the most unlikely scapegoat , the Aberdeen and Manchester United goalkeeper Jim Leighton .
17 After an hour at Customs , a military officer took us to a restaurant and then to the barracks to sleep .
18 The chords are Dminor , Dmin sus2 to A flat major 7th , 6th and sharp 11th and then to the E again — that sort of ambiguous E phrygian riff thing .
19 Having exhausted the pictorial possibilities and/or the patience of your subjects , switch from record-pause to stop and then to the tape-running controls .
20 My last charter had begun ; I had one week to work , then it would be back to Masquerade , and then to the long winds of the southern ocean that led to the uttermost ends of the earth , and thus to happiness .
21 He staggered back , half tripped on the cockpit coaming , scrambled up to the deck and then to the ship 's rail .
22 Halema seemed satisfied with my answer and the talk turned to the lives of such spirits and then to the djinn .
23 She watched him fight his way across the room to hang up the coats and then to the bar .
24 From here included tours take you to Rocamadour with its chateau perched high on a cliff summit and then to the powerful fortress of Castelnau-Breonoux which houses rich furnishings and tapestries .
25 A curved arrow tells you to knit first to the left to place a loop in the empty needles and then to the right to knit all the stitches .
26 That so much has survived , despite Lanfranc 's hostility , is due first to the tenacity of the surviving monks , and then to the encouragement given to them by Anselm .
27 The pictures that curators tried for decades to coax or pry off the Barnes 's walls will also travel to the Musée d'Orsay in Paris and then to the Museum of Western Art in Tokyo .
28 Hayden Phillips , smooth , urbane , the kind of establishment figure that the Thatcherites liked to take on , he has had a brilliant career which started in the Home Office , took him to Brussels as chef de cabinet to Roy Jenkins and then to the Treasury as Deputy Secretary .
29 In front of him the two men had separated , reacted to the shout , and then to the sight of the gun .
30 One of 70 H–25A helicopters ordered by the US Air Force , it was reallocated first to the US Army and then to the US Navy .
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