Example sentences of "and when i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The word ‘ Hecketypecky ’ passed between them , and when I eventually found it — the Rio Jequetepeque — I could hardly believe the spelling .
2 Later , Broderick admits that he was drawing on his own feelings about the death of his actor seven years ago , just as his career was taking off ( ‘ He watched everything I did , he was my big influence , and when I finally started to get work , he never got to see it ’ ) .
3 In Spain , about the only times when things got put in this much perspective were when Nirvana were actually playing — Madrid was still below-par , frenzy-wise , but a thrilling experience purely because the audience was so enthused by it all — and when I finally interviewed Dave , Chris and Kurt .
4 I stayed in hotels to begin with and when I finally moved into a flat , on the first night a rat ran across my chest .
5 That I told Oliver I 'd put them down the waste-disposal and the phone went silent , and when I finally said , ‘ Are you still there ? ’ he just answered , ‘ I love you , ’ and hung up .
6 It was five-thirty in the morning , and when I finally got to sleep I was hating those birds .
7 And when I finally appeared in my ship 's airlock , the only thing that Mala could find to say was , ’ Do n't you look a mess ! ’
8 The red ooze continued , despite a long session of self-doctoring from the car boot , and when I finally drove away my finger was swathed in the biggest , clumsiest dressing I had ever seen .
9 You may depend if an opportunity should occur I will not fail to send a letter and I have to request in a [ letter torn ] fervor that you will post a letter to me at least once a week commencing from Monday next , with all particulars respecting your health etc etc directing them P. Office Launceston until called for , and when I again reach this place I will write immediately .
10 They were both Waafs on the staff at Group , and when I tentatively expressed an interest in spiritualism , they fastened onto me like leeches .
11 I then zealous to understand I I er , er , erm sought it Statutes , Volume thirty-three nineteen ninety three edition and studied most carefully pages six hundred and seventy-five to six hundred and seventy-seven and there I found an account of what has happened to Sections two and three and also for the first time light was shed upon Section two A. My Lords , I have from time to time ventured to express some doubt as to whether our legislative procedures were as excellent , as I 'm sure Your Lordships would wish them to be and when I recently suggested in the most mild terms to Her Majesty 's Government that they might consider some form of enquiry into our legislative procedures to see whether as they were as high class as they should be , erm I was given a very negative reply the clear influence of which was that the our legislative procedures could not possibly be improved and My Lords I do really think with respect that that is a proposition which is open to doubt .
12 I know for a fact she 's had her eye on my mother 's matinée jacket collection for years and when I once , in passing , said I wondered what happened to those old prosthetic devices in the estates of deceased senior citizens , Madge let it slip that she knew a way of turning a Zimmer frame into an attractive lamp ! ’
13 The job of keeping them together has been entrusted to a series of ‘ confidants ’ who write his books , churn out his articles , furnish his quotes , capture his image and sweeten the sour , and when I once asked Niki why he would n't ever do a serious — and in consequence , a truthful — book about himself , he replied , why should he ?
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