Example sentences of "and so [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The whole point of the undergirding cables was to provide some shear bracing and so unless the operation was done with a knowledge and accuracy which were rather unlikely in the circumstances , so as to get the cables roughly at forty-five degrees , the expedient probably had usually as little effect as it seems to have had upon Paul 's ship .
2 However , an agreement can be void for uncertainty if major terms are not agreed , and so unless the offer letter contains sufficient detail of all the terms , including the wording of warranties , indemnities and disclosures , the offer letter will not be binding .
3 And so while the corvette glided on towards its illuminated dock , as a minnow might swim into the mouth of a vast phosphorescent deep-sea predator , the interrupted service of thanksgiving continued .
4 And so although the disease fits my prescription , and although it too can be usefully linked with a skin complaint ( eczema ) which also flakes away at the body 's surface , I had to abandon asthma .
5 We knew him so well and so when the time came and we saw how he was playing and how he was hitting the ball , that he could beat anyone ’ .
6 Nowadays , most excavations are conducted on sites that are about to be destroyed , and so when the excavation is finished , the site is left to its fate .
7 Huli men and women live separately , and so when the women go to bed at night , it 's the pigs they curl up with .
8 and so when the system clearly was n't working , the peasants would form their own collectives and
9 Unfavourable events brought about extinction of species and were lost to evolution , and so provided no ‘ goodness ’ .
10 Workers had an interest in producing goods and higher management knew about production — how else could they have become higher management ? — and so if the two got together all the crises would be resolved .
11 Now the purpose of relying on a rights- based argument is frequently to claim an entitlement to act irrespective of the consequences for others , and so if the idea of rights is to be coherent we must accept that a freedom to act in the face of at least some adverse social outcomes is entailed .
12 Virtually all possible initial states of a dissipative system are in the basin of an attractor , and so if the motion of a system is followed for long enough , it will end up on an attractor .
13 The time required for an eye movement is approximately 150 msecs , and so if the stimulus is presented for less than 150 msecs we can be certain that the image is projected only to one hemisphere directly .
14 The time required for an eye movement is approximately 150 msecs , and so if the stimulus is presented for less than 150 msecs we can be certain that the image is projected only to one hemisphere directly .
15 The ratchet , discussed earlier , is nearly always geared to profit and so if the managers take out too much in the early days , they may adversely affect their interests in the medium term .
16 Erm , well , at the moment I 'm involved in a a big project , new benefits claims , erm , and so if the new claims system could echo which priorities in that department , erm , and it looks like it will be long drawn out eventually at the end of next year , nationwide and effectively it 's a English processing system whereby terms coming in and they 're scanned and you can see images on a screen , so there 's gon na be no calls , what my , what my role in this is , gon na be to get the branches to accept the system .
17 Tell you each if you 're on track and so if the monitoring system 's in there , show you what you are , what are your most productive areas and markets are .
18 In fact I 'm going to comment on every aspect and section of the mag , and so as the trend goes :
19 The centre and focus of the whole is Jesus Christ himself — Jesus Chalst as ‘ true God and true man ’ , and so as the key both to the nature and activity of God and to the meaning and purpose of human existence .
20 And so as the Soviet President left Moscow , shaking hands with Politburo members , he leaves behind a political challenge and an economic crisis ; it threatens everything he 's fought for .
21 And so whilst the popular perception of Harrogate will remain of it as being a very prosperous and pretty borough er with everything going for it , in fact there 's a very serious unemployment problem of structural er magnitude and we felt that the county structure plan had not acknowledged this erm special difficulty that Harrogate was facing , and had merely applied as we heard this morning the standard formula as it were to Harrogate , as it had to all the other local authority areas in the county .
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