Example sentences of "and so [art] child " in BNC.

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1 In general it can leave children with their natural curiosity expressed by the neverending ‘ why ’ questions of childhood , being squashed by the inability of adults to discuss in any other way what has really happened , and so the child learns that whatever has really happened is just too awful to be talked about .
2 It may be that the only times the parents show joint concern is when the child misbehaves and so the child continues to be difficult as it keeps the family together .
3 For example some mothers feel very embarrassed about reprimanding their child or dealing with a tantrum in public and so the child rapidly learns that a tantrum could produce sweets if enough fuss is created ( McAuley and McAuley 1977 ) .
4 Parents may be too busy to attend to them or not fast enough in their reactions and understanding of what is required and so the child tantrums in desperation and anger .
5 And so the child creates fearlessly .
6 There are several reasons for this ‘ regression towards the mean ’ ; it could be based on a genetic process , or it could be because a father ( mother ) who is above the mean in ability marries on average someone who is less able than he ( she ) , and so the child , reflecting the ability of both parents , is less able than the father ( mother ) .
7 and so the Children 's Aid Society , which was the Church of England Society then
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