Example sentences of "and so every [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Only the length was a non-variable and so every style retained the same ‘ look ’ .
2 Obviously they could n't be ridden on a mountain , but magazine articles and newspaper features began treating them as a status symbol , and so every airhead on a salary of over £20,000 a year rushed out to buy one and take it up a mountain .
3 He was also one of the first County Advisers to persuade his authority that the impact of original works of art on children was very valuable , and so every year a sum was allotted to buy paintings , drawings , and even pieces of small sculpture , as well as lithographs and engravings , to be used in the schools themselves .
4 And so every year between Christmas Day and New Year 's Day , he takes over the kitchens at Hampton Court with his forty assistants and runs them .
5 The injunction was : Item ; That you and every parson , vicar or curate within this diocese shall for every churche kepe one boke or registere , wherein ye shall write the day and yere of every wedding , christenyng and burying made within yor parish for your tyme , and so every man succeeding you lykewise .
6 And so every generation has their own essential TOTP moment .
7 And so every night when they got home there was all kinds of people , I mean you know say miners and anybody as well , they all surrounded this house and when the police brought him in , of course they were booing and all this business you see .
8 Proposals for private motorised travel were , on the other hand , very different , for this mode was seen to be at the root of many of the traffic and environmental problems of the experimental areas and so every effort was to be made to curb the excesses of its use .
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