Example sentences of "and has [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Real concrete problems , such as the fact that Germany is the biggest trading nation in Europe , 50% more populous than France or Britain , that she holds half of the Soviet Union 's debt and has lent more money in government-guaranteed credit to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union , can not be made to disappear with words .
2 Mike Lawrence has been the test pilot here since 1983 and has flown 4,000 sorties including every one of the 165 Jaguars in the RAF Fleet .
3 Your publication has given some of the world 's best humorists and cartooonists their most memorable exposure and has inspired countless others to pick up the pen and make complete fools out of themselves .
4 It has made possible the massive evolution of mechanics in modern times and has inspired Constructivist art forms that regard space as a continuum .
5 The majority of work on structural semantics has remained philosophical or at best highly theoretical , and has inspired few computational implementations .
6 Dr. Elliott has devoted something like 35 years to Carver 's cause , and has enabled many to appreciate the composer 's quality and beauty of thought , but in the case of this particular work I have to say I find the results a little drab , making a somewhat downbeat conclusion to this invaluable series .
7 Firstly , culture of some epithelial cell lines to form monolayers on semipermeable membranes has resulted in retention of cell polarity and has enabled selective study of the apical and basolateral membranes of renal and gastrointestinal cell monolayers .
8 Following his talk , Mr Denton has kindly agreed to let us publish a map containing his outline for a Shropshire Metro and has contributed some notes .
9 It is at the forefront of research and teaching in many disciplines and has formed close links with industry and commerce locally , nationally and internationally , whilst , at the same time , providing a caring and supportive environment in which students and staff can develop their abilities to the full .
10 Moira , of Town Farm , Middlesbrough , is well-known as a first aid instructor and has trained many people .
11 Youth unemployment has since the mid-1970s been a central fact or a central fear of many young people , and has affected many others .
12 Keith is known to his colleagues as a quiet man , however he has hidden talents in that he writes poems and has penned many about his time with Rentokil .
13 He has not missed an England match since the friendly in Hungary last May , and has scored all five of England 's goals in the seven internationals since .
14 ‘ He 's very versatile and has scored 15 goals already this season .
15 And both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble saying , this man receives sinners and eats with them , and he told them this parable saying , what man among you , if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them , does not leave the ninety and nine in the open pasture and go out to the one which is lost until he finds it .
16 Notice what it says in verse four , what man among you if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them , does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness ?
17 The Book of Kells has not survived the centuries complete and has lost some of its printed pages , or perhaps the plan for the illumination was never completed .
18 Alameda has worked with the navy for a long time , and 8,000 jobs would go if it closed ; Everett expects 6,000 sailors and their families to arrive when it is finished , and has built most of the infrastructure .
19 It is surrounded by states with internal conflicts and has received successive waves of refugees .
20 She will be continuing her TV career with a new series of Fantastic Facts and has received several offers from other companies .
21 Allen stresses that HAH , which takes about 400 patients a year and has received some help from Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts , enables some people to by-pass the local hospital altogether .
22 He deals much more with national issues rather than local ones and has received less media attention as a result .
23 Karla Fohrbeck has no party-political affiliation and has fallen foul of the SPD ( the Social Democratic Party ) running the town .
24 By spreading total daily consumption more evenly , society reduces peak demand and has to devote less resources to building power stations whose number is determined by peak usage .
25 It has brought into that area of Belfast a vast number of new businesses and has revitalised that area of the town .
26 Is he aware that Father Reilley , the chairman of the governors , has already been disposed of , that the new chairman had a brawl with the head teacher , to which the police had to be called , that the chairman has purported to sack the head teacher and that the Department has intervened and had correspondence and has appointed new governors ?
27 Professor Alan Goodship at Bristol University is currently doing extensive research work on tendon injury and repair and has presented several papers on his work .
28 The study has argued that naturally occurring toxins can be more dangerous than man-made pesticides , and has presented scientific data showing that glycoalkaloids , nerve-damaging toxins that occur naturally in potatoes , are present in the same levels in organic crops as in their treated fellows .
29 The Holy Spirit has broken through all the man-made obstacles , and has incorporated all types and backgrounds of people in the messianic community .
30 Agriculture has learned to respond quickly to technical advances and has achieved greater increases in productivity over the last 25 years than any other industry .
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