Example sentences of "and which the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This will state the gross amount of relevant state benefits paid to the plaintiff , for which the plaintiff must give credit and which the compensating defendant must reimburse the Department of Social Security .
2 This is book to me — of which the clubhouse is built and which the early settlers favoured in their pursuit of the substantial .
3 The local tradition of devotion which Lanfranc had found deeply embedded in their corporate memory , and which the native-born monks had struggled — at first so unsuccessfully — to preserve , showed no sign of withering away .
4 What happens depends on which is the destabilizing and which the stabilizing component ; the two cases constitute Sections 23.2 and 23.3 .
5 Parliament granted the fixed and certain term which the agreements between the parties lacked in the case of tenancies for the duration of the war and which the present agreement lacks .
6 I think he set out in plain language the priorities which Britain needs to address and which the present government is failing us on .
7 In the plans of Renaissance European cities , you can invariably tell , by the spaces and formal disposition , which is the principal secular area , and which the principal religious area .
8 Inevitably this proximity involved a fair amount of touching and occasional pressures , which the man found very much to his taste , and which the young woman at least did not object to sufficiently to draw away to the limits of her corner .
9 In other words they are being totally unfair in that process and as a result of this more people are likely to suffer as a result of fire Council and savings which are clearly er is proposed er that is Conservative review that we should not be using new money or money within the environment budget which is better stretched for all the other services , to find that other fire fighters as much as we agree they are needed when clearly there is another pot of money which was available for this service and which the other two groups have decided they will take
10 I scarcely know which is memory and which the recent dream .
11 This went to the heart of a question which the WEA is never able to ignore and which the Eastern District had particular cause to ponder in this period : how should the full-time professional tutor-organiser fit into a voluntary movement ?
12 When she applies this to her test situations , however , she tends to interpret it in the narrow sense of explicitness rather than with reference to the higher orders of logic to which abstractness usually refers and which the general weight of her argument implies .
13 They did not see that the rampant nationalism that had brought Presidents Tudjman and Milosevic to power would so fan the flames of separatism and so reawaken the enmities of 50 years or more , that the compromise that might well have been possible earlier this year and which the European Foreign Ministers have since tried to impose has now become impossible .
14 The construction is , of course , that of the ordinary attributive adjective , the adjective which is the exponent in observable syntax of the subordinate property in the intensional structure : The essentials of the notation , for any who have taken the option of arriving at this point direct from the beginning of Section 1.2 , are as follows : The basic elements in constructing linguistic expressions are assumed to be two : E = entity notion ; and P = property notion The basic relations have these symbols : = = equation ; = qualification = assignment The direction of the arrow and the arrowhead indicates which is the major and which the subordinate item in the formula ; it does not refer to order of appearance in surface form .
15 He had inherited when he became Mamur Zapt a vast network of spies , informers and paid agents which dated back to his Ottoman predecessors and which the British saw no reason to disturb .
16 These alliances have been invaluable to the NI : the key card up our sleeve which no other publication could produce and which the hard-boiled marketing executive could not have understood .
17 Why does the system in Northern Ireland remain isolated with no connection to any other system , with all the technical and economic disadvantages which that entails and which the hon. Member for Antrim , East has referred to on several occasions ?
18 It is that alarming situation which egg producers wish to address and which the battling nuns have brought into public focus .
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