Example sentences of "and from [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 By 1881 he had built the first fully automatic milling plant at Chester and from that time , mechanically powered roller-milling rapidly supplanted stone-milling in the mass production of flour .
2 He ordered all the Lombard dukes to pay homage to him at Pavia , and from that time onwards was known as ‘ King of the Franks and Lombards , Roman Patrician ’ .
3 The first sections of the Colombo to Kandy railway were opened in 1865 , and from that time there was continuous railway-building on the island until the 1920s .
4 That episode made me quickly learn how to repair a puncture and from that time on I always carried a repair outfit .
5 consolidated Bank Annuities , with the dividends thereon accruing and to accrue , due at and from that time only , at and after my decease , for the purposes hereafter declared concerning the same ’ .
6 Wordsworth was so moved that he became ‘ a Patriot ’ , that is , a Republican , and from that time , he says ,
7 At the age of seven I joined the village church choir and from that time on the parish church was the main context of my life .
8 When he recovered , he had experienced conversion , and from that time on he refused all offers of writing work that was not for the glory of God .
9 The Spanish match was Lloyd 's last Cup appearance and from that time , Bates has always played number one for Britain .
10 At about the year 1550 the pyramidal base of the funnel suddenly narrows and from that time proceeds in a straight and narrow path to the present day .
11 The family were Presbyterians , and her conscious effort to acquire an education began at the age of six , when she heard a sermon she could not understand , and from that time she adopted a plan for acquiring information through asking the meaning of every new word she heard .
12 ‘ But , ’ says West , ‘ it lost its magic and disturbing quality — and from that time on , he began to respond much more to what the audience expected him to be — and much less to all the original feeling he had shown for it . ’
13 He used to say well now I 'll come with you , and from that time on , after the arrests were made .
14 There was no question of Lewis abandoning the Moores , but the body does not always believe the evidence of its senses ; and from this time onwards Minto ( as Lewis had begun to call Janie , after a variety of sweet to which she was devoted ) began to develop a series of psychosomatic conditions which strengthened the ties binding him to her side .
15 And from this time I knew I had to give up so many things — my sailing and so on — but the music came back to me a hundred times better .
16 She supervised all embroidery orders ( carried out in the drawing-room of her home at 8 Hammersmith Terrace ) and from this time was responsible for creating most of the new designs used .
17 A few days after this we commenced running down our longitude , and from this time until we reached the shores of Van Diemen 's Land , several species of this family ( Procellaridae ) were daily in company with the ship .
18 It was Constantine who transferred the municipal rights of the port of Rome to Porto and from this time onwards Ostia declined .
19 The Russians were interested in and finally converted to Christianity at the end of the tenth century and from this time onwards their ecclesiastical architecture was based on that of Constantinople while the churches were , in many cases , built and decorated by Byzantine craftsmen .
20 The earliest of these was at Kiev where , in 988 , Vladimir , Grand Duke of Kiev was converted to Christianity and from this time onwards he and his successors encouraged commerce and cultural exchange between the area and Constantinople .
21 It stands at a point where firm ground lies close to the river Derwent , and from olden times has been the site of an important river crossing , first by ferry , later by bridge .
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