Example sentences of "and from [num] a " in BNC.

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1 He was a JP and from 1918 a deputy lieutenant of Edinburgh .
2 Italy first published a similar list in 1865 , and from 1888 a bulletin in which the foreign ministry provided information on promotions and transfers of officials and diplomats as well as condensed versions of consular and diplomatic reports .
3 In Britain from the 1820s all attachés had to have a letter of appointment signed by the secretary of state ; and from 1815 a number of them began for the first time to be paid .
4 The reforms already set in train were either dropped immediately or gradually diluted , and from 1883 a period of intense reaction set in .
5 A junior opposition whip ( 1911–15 ) and from 1915 a government whip in H. H. Asquith 's coalition government , during 1916 he was also assistant director of the war trade department .
6 She became a regular contributor ( and from 1926 a director ) of the feminist journal Time and Tide , and a friend of its founder and editor , Margaret Haig Thomas , Viscountess Rhondda [ q.v . ] .
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