Example sentences of "and even [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some landowners on Dartmoor are trying to enforce a booking system and even payment for the use of facilities on their land such as rock outcrops for climbing .
2 In most African countries , government involvement in , and even supervision of , the press may not rest on such ideological precepts : sound pragmatic and economic reasons exist for that involvement .
3 This same cue also seems to trigger a decrease in growth and even appetite among mammals such as deer , sheep and goats .
4 There is nothing in these two pieces that Eckard could not have written , but the sketchiness and even abruptness of their construction , the unenterprising harmony , and the lack of textural variety suggest that , if he did compose them , he dashed them off as fast as he could write for a pupil of little talent and not much discrimination .
5 At Rome there had been some disagreement and even contention for more than a century on the possibility of restoration for believers who committed adultery , murder , or apostasy ( participation in idolatrous rites ) .
6 It was a lengthy and difficult task , marked by the indifference and even antagonism of the movement in whose name he nominally acted , but his speaking , organizing , and writing skills ( which included the production of fifteen pamphlets and a co-authored book ) and tireless travelling until victory was achieved in 1908 , made him the ‘ ideal secretary ’ described by F. H. Stead , the warden of the Browning Hall settlement and his collaborator in the pension struggle .
7 If this intercommunication is not properly arranged there will be the familiar symptoms of frustrating reiteration , decisions being misunderstood or being constantly revised , political manoeuvring and even concealment of progress within one or more of the teams .
8 System 10 may well help change that , but Sybase ca n't play the triggers now : everyone else , and even Oracle in System 10 , has caught up with such features now .
9 Once his flat work was fairly established I went on to his jumping , first working with trot , then canter poles , insisting on straightness and even temp of stride .
10 The Great Depression of 1929 sharpened the mood of rebellion when a catastrophic fall in the price of rice spread hardship and even starvation to many parts of Indochina .
11 The trend towards equality between the sexes and the sharing and even exchange of roles in the marriage partnership have already , to some extent , changed the traditional role of husband as sole breadwinner .
12 This volume provides an admirably full and even coverage of 13 years of these and many other projects , but it scarcely attempts the more critical profile one might have expected from Rizzoli .
13 Women who get relief and even enjoyment from crying can share this knowledge , given even modest encouragement .
14 Still , the existence and even reinforcement of the ideal-type bourgeois family in this period is significant .
15 Even if they were first established in prehistoric times , knowledge use and even construction of leys may have continued well into the medieval period , perhaps as the secret inheritance of certain esoteric orders .
16 Its plural , " working classes " , allows for differentiation and even hierarchy among the lower orders but still reflects nineteenth- rather than eighteenth-century usage .
17 Well in many ways yes , they , there 's powered roads , there 's electricity and even water on tap , they never had
18 Bob Naish of the Agricultural Development and Advisory Service , gave warning that the ‘ when ’ of succession was often a matter of considerable irritation and even aggravation between the parties .
19 She saw women , old gnarled Italian housewives , who did not care about popularity , who were quite composed in the face of sour looks , getting fruit and vegetables and even meat at a quarter the price paid by her affable husband and she resolved to become one of these women .
20 Important , too , although not always easy to evaluate , is the evidence which we may call literary , not merely the chronicles , but rather the tracts , pamphlets , newsletters and even poetry through which people expressed their ideas and views , as well as their emotions , on contemporary issues and problems , which might be the need for government to be better managed , hope of peace , or the criteria according to which society 's military leaders should be chosen .
21 Any precise quantification in the present muddled state of our economy is an obvious chimera and even approximation to the truth is so occluded by political utterance as itself to become unattainable .
22 Africans received laws , fines and even imprisonment for certain agricultural and pastoral practices ( and the other restrictions which enabled Europeans to realise their economic interests of the day ) , while European settlers received physical infrastructure , loans , and an agricultural extension service backed by research stations which researched commercial crops for commercial farmers .
23 Although the maker and even country of origin of these pieces surprisingly remains unknown , one view holding that they are German rather than French , this uncertainty did not matter to the bidders as it sold to an anonymous private collector for $1,700,000 ( £944,400 ) .
24 There is little wrong with the tenor and even toughness of the Code but its weakness is that it is unrealistic when crucial choices have to be made by its members .
25 In the absence of an infection control policy these infections can become major outbreaks with enormous cost implications , not to mention the suffering , pain and even death of the patients involved .
26 Regularly , faithfully , our brothers and sisters across the globe endure hardship , beatings , imprisonment and even death for the sake of spreading the gospel .
27 ‘ She was very strict ’ , the queen remembered , ‘ and the Princess had great respect and even awe of her , but with that the greatest affection . ’
28 Secondly , it encourages the belief and even resentment outside the area that most loose government money is going to nationalist West Belfast .
29 See , it 's very easy to get confused between distance against time , speed against time , and even acceleration against time .
30 Some experts have questioned the provenance and even genuineness of several notable purchases , particularly antiquities .
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