Example sentences of "and even [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 One blind person found lack of non-verbal communication a problem , though others felt able to compensate and even viewed blindness as helpful in some situations .
32 During the Second World War most Italians were interned as enemy aliens , even though they may have been respected members of the community for 30 or 40 years — and even had relatives serving in the British forces .
33 With that , I galloped off for the train , and even had time for a drink before it left .
34 Such were the exchanges that Boswell , with his ( by our standards ) imperfect means of record , noted down — and even had time to comment that the two men had begun to ‘ agree like brothers , .
35 We found that the natives , After we 'd reoccupied the village , Had erected a sort of shrine for Celia Where they brought offerings of fruit and flowers , Fowls , and even sucking pigs .
36 The LP shows the Midland Ramones desperately trying to widen their scope , moving off their narrow base and even slowing things down a little on occasion .
37 The fascinating thing is that we can construct a complete family tree of all the globin genes , and even put dates on all the divergence points ( delta and beta globin parted company , for example , about 40 million years ago ; epsilon and gamma globins 100 million years ago ) .
38 The MOI could also be helpful in liaising between film companies and government departments , and even put finance into the occasional film such as 49th Parallel ( 1941 , The Invaders in US ) , Powell-Pressburger's skilful piece of star-studded propaganda .
39 The compilers of the new Prayer Book talked of priests rather than ministers , and even incorporated sections of Laud 's 1637 Scottish Prayer Book into the communion rite .
40 It is ‘ live ’ entertainment at a time when more and more television is pre-recorded and packaged , and even recorded events can sustain uncertainty of outcome if the result is unknown to the viewer .
41 Mr Atkins also viewed a wide range of other counterfeit goods including jeans , sweaters , training shoes , watches , perfumes and even motorcycle helmets .
42 ‘ They will tell neighbours they are pregnant and even visit doctors with fake symptoms .
43 Fast , punchy and exceedingly tight , the song is three minutes of pop-fabness , and even gets Lesley Silverfish out of the dressing room and diving into the rabid audience .
44 But his greatest achievement was in the study of mathematics and logic with his paper , The Relation between the Logical Theory of Classes and the Geometrical Theory of Points ( 1890 ) , which anticipated and even extended arguments later propounded by Bertrand ( third Earl ) Russell [ q.v. ] in The Principles of Mathematics ( 1903 ) .
45 And even Crown Prince Rupprecht , far removed from Verdun , had warned him days before the offensive began that the advance would be halted by flanking fire from the Left Bank .
46 Mary Douglas of Ulva in a closed circulation document states : ‘ They ( teachers ) may be required to arrange all the usual functions such as whist drives , jumble sales , Hallowe'en and Christmas parties , run the public meeting , act as polling officer , sign pension and unemployment forms , give references and even witness wills . ’
47 Apart from their long walks and interminable conversations and evening singsong , or their expeditions to ancient monuments , he and Gwili and his cousins assisted with the harvest , binding sheaves and even mowing bracken with a scythe .
48 Its importance as a late Saxon estate centre was probably the result of it being an equally important Roman and even Iron Age estate .
49 Doors and bolts had been fixed , but in a three-month period it was said that ‘ 14 dozen locks ’ had been broken , the children had burned down the door , and even iron gates had not stopped them from gaining access to the roof and throwing stones on people below .
50 Brooches and pins and even iron tools give the archeologists a clue about life in Oxfordshire in Roman times .
51 Brooches and pins and even iron tools give the archeologists a clue about life in Oxfordshire in Roman times .
52 We bought cartloads of parchment from Charterhouse , Oxford and even sent orders to places as far north as Norwich and Cambridge .
53 Yet , despite dominating the line-out and even pushing England over their own line for a try just before halftime , they still turned round 10–7 in arrears .
54 The dogs will learn 90 different commands , including opening and closing doors , turning switches off and on , carrying shopping and even pushing buttons in a lift .
55 This produces the heavy inflexible armour of the beetles , and mouthparts sharp and tough enough to gnaw through timber and even cut metals like copper and silver .
56 She was uncertain in some places , still finding her way , upstaged by him whenever they were on together , but the rippling golden voice never faltered , and in the Varasdin duet with Freddi she took flight again , gave the whole scene a sense of gaiety and even kept Freddi on key for once .
57 Loans were handled as the National Debt rather than the royal debt and it became possible to raise long-term loans with the authority of Parliament behind them , and even to float loans on terms which meant that the principal would never be repaid but that , because the interest would be paid regularly forever , it would be possible to treat the bond for the debt as an asset which could be bought and sold .
58 Leading-edge camera systems , hi-fi set-ups and even tweaked auto-mobiles never come from one source .
59 There were meadow browns , small skippers , and even painted ladies flitting among the tall flowering grasses on the canal bank , bending them over as they settled , knocking off the pollen in puffs of fine , yellow mist .
60 The pair became used to the waves and hoots from passing motorists , trucks and even train drivers as they journeyed to the Mediterranean coast .
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