Example sentences of "and look [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 If one suspends judgement and looks at a cross-section of these novels , one comes away quite impressed .
2 This month David Savage discusses the importance of mistakes within the workshop , and looks at a finish he would otherwise not now use if it had n't been for a disaster
3 If we believe that it is right to push back the boundaries of middle age a few years , we can happily keep our young tastes and looks for a bit longer .
4 Each child has a number and looks for a packet with it on , which contains a small present .
5 Apted 's definitions do not seem to take into account the student who goes directly to the shelves and looks for a book for an essay topic .
6 He leans back , crosses his legs , and looks like a man having an agreeable conversation in his club .
7 It was built with the characteristic ostentation of the period , and looks like a Victorian town hall with a chimney .
8 It is recognized in thirty-five countries and looks like a piece of jewellery but is useful in cases of emergency .
9 She is slim with blonde hair and looks like a catwalk model . ’
10 The Manx shearwater is the largest of the three , and looks like a small black and white fulmar ( to which it is , of course , related ) .
11 The end result , more often than not , is horrid to drive and looks like a cross between a barbeque and a plane crash .
12 The Fish Louse ( Argulus ) can be up to 10mm across and looks like a tiny flatfish .
13 She always ties her hair up and does n't wear any make up and looks like a boy .
14 He is not said to have been holy , and looks like a successful career churchman , often occupied with the king 's business , and willing to contravene church law by practising pluralism .
15 South America also has a small tree-climbing anteater , which is a close cousin of Myrmecophaga and looks like a miniature and less extreme version of it , and a third , intermediate form .
16 The rapist is described as black , five foot seven inches tall and looks like a body-builder .
17 They may also have cricket 's champion talker in fast bowler Brent ‘ Bomber ’ Smith who commutes from Stockton and looks like a 39-year-old Clark Gable .
18 Arkwright has plenty of muscles of his own , and looks like an ex-marine with right-wing political notions .
19 This knowledge is perhaps too great for a small hobbit such as Pippin , one of Frodo 's companions , who is tempted and looks in a Palantir where he sees Sauron .
20 It was made of dark wood and looked like a graceful gorilla 's paw .
21 She was six feet tall and looked like a gorgeous transvestite , possibly the beneficiary of some dirty-minded sex-change operation , over in California there .
22 In light of the fact that she appeared to be on the hunt , and looked like a blonde bombshell , exactly what was the man asking her ?
23 ‘ I have always feared the Dark Ireland , ’ said Dierdriu , and her eyes were huge now , and looking on a terrible possibility .
24 ‘ If only one were going to court freely and looking to a bright future — 't is different for you ! ’
25 In a chair opposite sat Tom who was drinking tea and looking at a book .
26 I 've got to get some sleep , ’ the impresario said , eating a spoonful of caviar and looking at a column about grosses in Variety .
27 For actually glancing down and looking at a clock
28 erm certainly numerically controlled machine tools , they 've been with us for a number of years now and there 's no doubt about it that micro-electronics is having an influence , or advances in micro-electronics are having a way in which they are implemented , but I feel applications of that type it requires quite a large amount of flexibility in being able to program it to set up one machine , program it differently to set up another machine , say , or to produce one component and another component and so on , so that I think there one is thinking and looking at a more sophisticated type of computer than , say , a simple microcomputer that we 've been talking about earlier .
29 His two thumbs rotated about one another as they always did when he was agitated and looking for a way to strike .
30 Cadillac 's UK importer was aware of Leland 's achievement , and looking for a way to prove the car 's craftsmanship .
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