Example sentences of "and call [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She turns and calls down the corridor for a guy named Malcolm and all the time she 's leaning hard against the door trying to break my foot .
2 Mr Colston-Hayter warns darkly that if laws are introduced to prevent all-night parties , the ‘ right to freedom of association ’ would be compromised , and calls on the Government ‘ committed to freedom ’ to reconsider .
3 In the introduction to its latest guidelines the GMC states that the preregistration year should be ‘ an enjoyable and profitable experience ’ and calls on the universities to ‘ exercise greater control than hitherto over the duties undertaken … , the supervision of house officers , the general education provided and the monitoring of house officers ’ progress . ’
4 New telephone numbers have been issued to all staff , but a few main enquiry numbers will be retained and calls on the old numbers will be transferred to the new building for the first couple of months .
5 [ That this House regrets the Government 's failure to deal with the imminent threat of wholesale breaches of the law on Sunday trading ; expresses concern that Ministers appear to be running away from their responsibility to uphold the law as soon as one or more large commercial organisations express their intention to ignore the law ; greatly regrets the way that this situation puts pressure on responsible and law-abiding retailers to open on Sundays simply to protect their market share ; further regrets the damage that is likely to be done to small shops and family businesses as a consequence ; considers that sensible progress to modernising the law should be made on the basis of the REST proposals put forward by Keep Sunday Special ; and calls on the Government actively to pursue the regulation of Sunday trading in a way which deals fairly with employees , their families and with community and commercial interests . ]
6 the ‘ straddle ’ , consisting of an equal number of puts and calls on the same share , either bought or written ;
7 This meeting notes with concern the potential for exploitation of junior members of the Bar with the introduction of standard fees in the magistrates ' courts and calls on the Legal Aid and Fees Committee to liaise with the Law Society , the Legal Aid Board and the Lord Chancellor 's Department with a view to agreeing a fair approach to fixing Counsel 's fees and making such practical arrangements as are necessary . ’
8 The committee calls for international agreements on improved tanker design and insurance cover , and calls on the DTp to issue strict guidelines on tanker routes .
9 I beg to move , That this House deplores the Government 's economic policies , which have caused the severe and continuing recession and which are damaging all parts of the economy and all areas of the nation ; and calls upon the Government to initiate without delay an investment based recovery including financial incentives for investment in manufacturing , tax credits for the enhancement of technology , assistance for regional economic development and a major programme of education and training to tackle Britain 's continuing skills crisis .
10 [ That this House is deeply concerned that ( a ) in October 1991 , the Inspectorate of Pollution issued an improvement notice plus additional requirements upon Coal Products Ltd. , Avenue Works , Wingerworth , Derbyshire , arising from problems of airborne pollution , ( b ) in November 1991 , the North East Derbyshire District Council rejected a planning application for the installation of a plant for the regeneration of active carbon on the same site and ( c ) in December 1991 , the National Rivers Authority issued a report showing that following partial treatment at lagoons in a country park , 40 million gallons of toxic effluent is seeping into the ground near homes at nearby Grassmoor ; and calls upon the Secretary of State for the Environment to undertake an urgent environmental audit of the plant and its neighbouring communities with an immediate project of protecting the health and well-being of both the workforce at Coal Products Ltd. and residents in the surrounding communities , whilst seeking ways and means of safeguarding jobs in an area of high unemployment . ]
11 There were shouts and calls from the men , and then a man 's body was pulled from the trees .
12 The girl stuck her head out into the main office and called across the room .
13 Well , in the end the inevitable happened — Illtyd got fed up and called off the engagement , and thereafter ‘ Jilted by Illtyd ’ became a byword in Hut 4 .
14 His landlady was nervous of strangers and called through the door , ‘ I 'm sorry , Mr Ramsey is out . ’
15 But as I turned to go downstairs , my landlord , thinking he was alone , threw himself on the bed , pushed open the window and called into the darkness .
16 Maggie let go of her and called up the stairs .
17 Cathy went into the little hall and called up the stairs .
18 CONFERENCE delegates yesterday swept aside a warning from the party leadership and called for the next Labour government to take back into public ownership immediately land sold off by privatised water companies .
19 In freezing temperatures and light snowfall , the enthusiastic and emotional crowd in Sofia heard Bulgaria 's most radical demands so far and called for the ousted leader , Mr Todor Zhivkov , to stand trial for fraud and mismanagement .
20 The United States accepted for the first time the phrase ‘ legitimate rights of the Palestinian people ’ and called for the participation of the ‘ Palestinian people ’ , a major concession to the Soviet Union , in return for Soviet retraction of its previous insistence on the participation of the PLO , the establishment of an independent Palestinian state , and the total withdrawal of Israeli forces to the 1949 Armistice Line .
21 Besides denying Dr Darsee government research funds for 10 years , the panel also recommended that Dr Darsee be excluded from serving on any NIH advisory committee for the same period and called for the heart institute to collect from the hospital the estimated cost of the aborted research put at $122 371 .
22 Unreality supervened again as Argentina fired its President Galtieri and called for the immediate withdrawal of British forces .
23 A strong , vocal group argued that Raybestos should not be allowed to emit any asbestos dust from the factory , and called for the use of a safe alternative in the factory process .
24 Dean Martin , Sammy Cahn and Tony tried to calm her down while Sinatra reached for his car radio and called for the police and an ambulance .
25 She drew on sensible boots and a warm woollen cape and called for the carriage to be brought round to the front .
26 If your father 'e 'ad listened to the nurse and called for the doctor and not for the priest — puh ! ’
27 Hearing of the arrest of Martin Luther King in Georgia , he telephoned King 's wife to express his sympathy and called for the release of the highly respected civil rights leader .
28 In May 1948 numerous European political figures met at the Hague and called for the creation of a European parliament as well as an economic union .
29 In mid-November another mass meeting reaffirmed the Naythuyein resolutions and called for the dissolution of the recently formed Governor 's Council .
30 The newly-appointed Estonian leader Vaino Valjas complained that more than 90 per cent of the republican economy was in the hands of Moscow ministries , and called for the balance to be reversed in the republic 's favour .
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