Example sentences of "and also from the " in BNC.

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1 The increased availability , from the North Sea and also from the Middle East and Africa , will almost certainly mean a considerable increase in its use throughout Europe over the next decade .
2 It will collate data from the two proposed space station polar platforms , one European Space Agency platform , a Japanese one and also from the manned space station .
3 Further motivation came from comments expressed at external training sessions that each Borough could afford to send only one or two people to courses costing £30 plus per person per day , and also from the need for specialised training for non-professional staff .
4 We have taken advice from very knowledgeable people in the trade and also from the community transport co-ordinator .
5 The frame of reference for all this ferment in the official mind remained the idea of the Commonwealth , which during the war received an impetus from the need to show the Americans , in words if not in deeds , that there would be room for a British empire in the brave new post-war world , and also from the genuine idealism stimulated in some British imperialists — as it had been stimulated in the previous war — by a desire to distinguish themselves from the Germans and their imperial ambitions .
6 It was obviously different from the religion of Jesus , as far as we understand it , and also from the Jewish vision of St Paul , who had been the first to bring the semitic faith to the hellenistic world of the Roman empire .
7 Mr Major had been under pressure to call the meeting from German Chancellor Helmut Kohl , the French and also from the Italians .
8 That dedication sprang from ambition , of course , and also from the insecurity of a man whose background was unpretentious and God-fearing .
9 erm that would maintain a regular interest from the schools and also from the children involved .
10 The photographs can be purchased from a number of sources listed in the UK Remote Sensing Directory which is available from the National Remote Sensing Centre ( Appendix 2.2.2 ) and also from the Ordnance Survey .
11 In our case I believe this stems both from the traditions of our company and also from the fact that we are a technical and scientifically based company : we therefore have the respect for the individual and the respect for novel ideas emanating from others that is a feature of the scientific method .
12 The objects offered in the present sale have been culled from ‘ [ secret ] warehouses dating back to the start of the Revolution in 1949 and also from the time of the Cultural Revolution ’ .
13 It clearly arose from the line of springs issuing from the rocky hillside , and also from the narrow crossing below the church over the otherwise broad flood plain or reputed lake .
14 Red is obtained from the roots of the madder plant ( rubia tinctorum ) and also from the crushed bodies of female insects of the coccus cacti genus , which produce a colour usually referred to as cochineal or carmine red .
15 The position achieved in the early 1980s can be assessed from the textbooks that have been written because these should be influencing the methods of instruction in the subject of physical geography as a whole , and also from the position in the branches of physical geography .
16 The viability of the buy-back option was thought to be dependent on the availability of new loans especially from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , both of which had expressed support for the agreement , and also from the Japanese Export-Import Bank and the Spanish government .
17 Dudayev claimed that he had received expressions of support from the leaders of Georgia and Azerbaijan , and also from the largely Moslem autonomous republics of Tartaria and Dagestan .
18 The population is also regulated by periodic suspension of sexual relationships for 3–6 months after the taking of a head and also from the time of birth of a child until he is weaned , i.e. 2–3 years .
19 Some forty environmental organizations are taking part in the Ecological Bricks project , which has received financial assistance from the European Community ( EC ) and also from the World Wide Fund for Nature .
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