Example sentences of "and give [pron] some " in BNC.

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1 By the time you 've bought them some cigarettes and given them some money for the pub and said well if there er and the car has n't got any petrol so you pay for ten pounds worth of petrol .
2 ‘ Definitely , people have been respectful towards me and given me some free time .
3 The doctor had been in and given her some sleeping pills .
4 Having started the design ball rolling and given himself some idea of cast requirements , Barry moved on to his foremost task that of constructing the camera script .
5 Turning over the free endpaper to the next double page , we shall usually arrive at the first appearance of print , unless the publisher has been very free with his endpapers and given us some blanks .
6 I 'd sent Mum to the acupuncturist to try and give her some energy , and Jack and I were in the house when we heard a terrible thud .
7 ‘ It is , but even the most hard-pressed executive owes it to himself to relax occasionally and give himself some space . ’
8 We 're running out of time as usual , so if I can just come to that final line to you to consider and give me some views on them before you go .
9 just so many bits and pieces to do , I need to come and get this to come and give me some further comments
10 They had to go and give him some support and they put up quite a good fight .
11 ‘ We would not ask you to appear in one of our modest productions , but would you perhaps come and give us some advice ? ’
12 Then he 'd say OK and give us some .
13 but they do sort of come in and give you some idea do n't they ?
14 I 'll try and give you some back .
15 The old man had sunk to his knees , so , ignoring the Blackshirt on the pavement , I tried to rescue what I could from my medicine case and give him some first aid .
16 I 'll keep the boy close by me when we look for the treasure ; then , when we have both ship and treasure , we 'll persuade Jim to join us , and give him some of the treasure for all his help . ’
17 FORGET the time recorded by Clydal Pal in the opening heats of the Ulster Derby ( 550 ) and give him some support in the first semi-final at Dunmore Stadium tomorrow night .
18 The best way to avoid such dangers was to make the secretary a government appointee and give him some official status and the modicum of job security which it brought .
19 And give her some of that stuff you 've brought to stop her row . ’
20 Then he 's got to go home at lunchtime and give her some food .
21 Mother also went with me to hear the Archbishop of Canterbury 's wife , Mrs Fisher , talk to young wives and give them some advice on the repair of their families after the separations many of them had suffered .
22 Do this to all your doors , not just the exterior ones , and treat any panes of glass in doors as though they were windows and give them some sort of double glazing .
23 I must see Butterworth and Clibber to-morrow and give them some more money .
24 Before we start Scottish questions , I remind Members from Scottish constituencies that , as is my practice , I shall seek to call those who were not called last time and give them some preference .
25 It urged skins to ‘ I want all you skinheads to get up on your feet , put your braces together and your boots on your feet and give me some of that oooold moooonstompin ! ’ but it was a crude attempt to satisfy the skinhead market .
26 I told them to put a tourniquet on my arm and give me some morphia , whereupon one of them started to bandage my wrist and the other went off to ask what morphia was .
27 Now , off you go and give me some peace .
28 Let's put uses and give me some different ones .
29 Oh someone give me some money come and give me some money .
30 Join the Trust and give us some help .
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