Example sentences of "and who the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The findings are interpreted in vigorous fashion ( e.g. ‘ At its baldest , men 's needs came before women 's regardless of who was the disabled person and who the carer ’ , p. 57 ) .
2 This may involve challenge and competition , finding out who is the apparent top dog and who the underdog .
3 Who else , if anyone , will be involved in treatment and who the therapist will keep informed about the patient 's progress .
4 He made a mental note to find out who was the snorer and who the complainant ; certainly the latter would have a very sound motive for murder .
5 This presented a delicate problem , another of the house guests being also without his valet , raising the question as to which guest should be allocated the butler as valet and who the footman .
6 And here was the man himself , scarred face , heavy limp , and impressive bearing , demanding to see Sally-Anne , but he gave away nothing of this , merely said , ‘ What is it , Baines ? ’ and then to the intruder , ‘ And who the devil are you , sir ?
7 he has knowingly obtained ( whether directly or indirectly ) that information from another individual who is connected with that company , or was at any time in the six months preceding the obtaining of that information , so connected , and who the tippee knows or has reasonable cause to believe , held the information by virtue of being so connected ; and he
8 And who the f-f-fantasy did I
9 And who the hell IS management ? ’ he demanded , his voice rising .
10 They talked about the difficulty of getting food in , when all they could find was Chinese takeaway ; about strange knocks at the door of the hotel room , and why the Iranians sometimes left unexpectedly , and who the hell they were really dealing with ; about North 's pressing need for aspirin ; and about getting the hostages out , for which the only foreseeable currency was arms .
11 And who the hell are you ?
12 And who the hell is that ? ’ demanded Pearce of the Police Constable .
13 And then to Cardiff : ‘ And who the hell is blondie , anyway ? ’
14 He said they were the self-indulgent ramblings of a patches-on-the-elbow peasant , and who the hell did he think he was anyway ?
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