Example sentences of "and make [pron] own " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But it should not be used as a pretext to exclude 12- or 13-year-old girls from school when it is precisely these secular schools that should offer them the opportunity to learn , grow and make their own choices . ’
2 Mr Smith understood there was a need to send money home to most mothers but reasoned if the Girls were capable of earning above average wages , they should be treated like adults and make their own decisions about their finances .
3 Some adults make the choice to live on their own after they have tried various shared living arrangements and discovered that they prefer to be in control of their own life and make their own rules .
4 But my educated guess is that guitarists want to get an idea of the feel of something , receive an impression of it from another player , then go and try the thing and make their own decision .
5 They will have their own friends , run separate diaries and make their own official tours and engagements .
6 It is now up to WACC , the churches and NGOs to monitor the discourse critically and make their own contributions .
7 The van was impounded and SL2 had to hire a car on their Visa card and make their own way to the rave — which had been cancelled !
8 It is an attractive concept : learners work at their own pace and make their own choices about what and how they will study .
9 Advocacy schemes have been developed to help people with mental disorder assert their rights and make their own choices .
10 Schools participating in the scheme have a set quota of assisted places , and make their own selection of the pupils to be admitted .
11 The analogy is with parts of an enterprise that are allowed to establish their own base and make their own financial and marketing decisions .
12 We talked about each department erm being able to invest in their own technology and make their own er decisions on what sort of database or interface they would use to deploy their applications .
13 They , too , need to know without delay where they stand so that they can prepare to work in and with the new structures and make their own bids for funds .
14 This time , thanks to the more ‘ open government ’ of the council chairman , David Webster , all the sports have known their allocations for some time and make their own judgment on merit without interference from the council .
15 Its distinguishing characteristics are first the view that a class is partly constituted by the perceptions of its members , and second the belief , held either tacitly or openly , that the passage of history is marked by the growth of class consciousness , until a point in the future when an enlightened proletariat will be able to grasp its real interests and make its own history .
16 The extra facilities allow the school to introduce media studies and make its own promotional videos .
17 Grow all our own food and make our own clothes .
18 But I do say that we , the ordinary man , must either insist he takes responsibility for what he discovers , and does concern himself with the ethics of its methods and application , or accept the responsibility to ourselves , and make our own decisions about how science is used .
19 But neither Shakespeare 's tragedies nor life itself can be fully understood unless we are prepared to take Iago fully into our consciousness , and make our own attempt to come to terms with what Shakespeare created .
20 And make our own beds but not , not a great deal .
21 ‘ If we are going to get reliable evidence from children and make our own evaluation of what they are saying then it is absolutely essential the stories are not contaminated by those who are being accused with the responsibility for harm or neglect . ’
22 I hope you will want to take time and make your own discoveries .
23 Perhaps , if one was able to give advice to the Prime Minister on the appointment of the next Archbishop of Canterbury , it might be : Take your own soundings and make your own recommendation to the Queen .
24 If you wish to take a different route from those which we offer , simply book your chosen hotel and make your own way .
25 If you want any other benefits , or if you want to stay in SERPS but build on top of it , you will have to pay extra , and make your own arrangements .
26 Instead of buying a jar of sauce this year , buy fresh or frozen cranberries and make your own from our recipe .
27 Depart London for Calgary and make your own way to the Delta Bow Valley Inn , where you will be contacted our tour representative .
28 To complete the media list consider the following categories and make your own selection in the light of analysis made of the uses to which the list will be put .
29 We said , Do n't be so bloody stupid , go and make your own .
30 We said , Do n't be so bloody stupid , go and make your own .
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