Example sentences of "and make [pron] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The 90/110 type plugs which are parallel wired will not fit your head , but I believe there is a type , new on the market , which will replace the old type and make them quicker to heat up and are parallel wired , so if one burns out the rest will start the engine .
2 His owner must not shampoo him while he 's knotty as it will tighten the knots and make them harder to remove .
3 I wanted to touch her and make her better but I realised I could n't do that .
4 Is that fine food and wine going to affect your judgement and make you easier to persuade ?
5 The Rattlesnake Round-up in Sweetwater , Texas , takes place every March to rid rangeland of snakes and make it safer for livestock .
6 The Report also noted , somewhat prophetically in the light of the present government 's ‘ open enrolment ’ policy under the ERA 1988 — which is designed inter alia to identify bad schools by their lack of popularity with parents — that ‘ whenever a school is unpopular that should be an indication to the authority to find out why and make it better ’ .
7 ‘ Your nan used to take you in there , ’ he said , ‘ with this dead hamster in a cage or the bloody goldfish floating belly up in the bowl , and she 'd wink at him and say , It 's very sick , can you take it in the back and make it better ?
8 Our challenge today is to take this democratic system of ours , a system second to none , and make it better .
9 And er all the branches had a cook at the national agreement how to try and alter it and make it better .
10 In this way , though we do not rid ourselves of the ego , we do transcend it and make it softer and enable ourselves to see things calmly .
11 But then it seemed to snowball from ‘ Hunky Dory ’ into ‘ Ziggy Stardust ’ because after playing one or two gigs as an acoustic outfit , it seemed to be natural to take it that step further — to add the bass and add the drums and make it bigger and better — more of a show of it — and so it evolved into ‘ Ziggy Stardust ’ .
12 To elaborate the analysis further and make it richer , it is conventional to replace the exogenous investment function with where is the rate of interest and a coefficient indicating the extent to which a higher rate of interest will reduce the planned level of investment in the economy .
13 ‘ Any other scheme could lead to great difficulties of inequality and make it harder to recruit from those groups we need to reach . ’
14 They are designed not only to keep out black people but to try and intimidate black workers already in Britain and make it harder for them to claim their basic human rights .
15 At the same time , SunSelect also unveiled its proposal for a Public Windows Interface specification that would bring the Windows applications program interface into the public domain and make it harder for Microsoft to alter it to trip up the competition .
16 Sun has the backing of ICL Plc and Fujitsu Ltd as well as Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp for Wabi and for its proposal for a Public Windows Interface specification that would bring the Windows applications program interface into the public domain and make it harder for Microsoft to alter it to trip up the competition .
17 At the same time , SunSelect unveiled its proposal for a Public Windows Interface specification that would bring the Windows applications program interface into the public domain and make it harder for Microsoft to alter it so as to trip up the competition .
18 Alongside his economic reforms , he has tried to open up the political system and make it harder for politicians to cheat .
19 TransAction should , therefore , reduce delays and make it easier for the consumer to understand the process in partnership with their solicitors .
20 Such a split should clarify the distribution of costs and make it easier for competing train services to run on the same track .
21 We will reform benefits for people with disabilities and make it easier for those available for work to take employment .
22 When turning completely it is always preferable to turn by leaning the sail over the back of the board ( a tack ) since this will turn the board into wind and make it easier to return from where you set out .
23 Metaphors of grasping call attention to the active process of thinking rather than to static and distinct thoughts , and make it easier to understand that we interpret and organize rather than passively reflect .
24 They have bevelled edges to reduce on-site damage and make it easier to work with .
25 It should be noted , however , that if one million of the three million were back at work and not receiving unemployment and/or supplementary benefits from the Exchequer , it would put less strain on the public purse and make it easier to meet the social security benefits for the expected one million over-85-year-olds .
26 At first glance it appears that Braudel has merely hit on a convenient fashion of dividing up the past , to bring it under control and make it easier for historians to encompass .
27 and make it easier for the parent to understand whether this is good or bad .
28 The business men came , we heard , the Chancellor listened , and he has incorporated in his proposals a large number of deregulatory measures , which will ease cash flow and make it easier to deal with the VAT man and the Inland Revenue .
29 Opponents of the MTO claim it would institutionalise the primacy of free trade over environmental protection and make it easier to challenge high national standards on environmental protection as unfair barriers to trade .
30 Okay now I want you to make a list there for traditional of all the materials we put around there , so make that list there okay and make it easier to look at .
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