Example sentences of "and go down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After a further mile towards Chapel-le-Dale , a track turns off the road to the left and goes down to the beck in the valley bottom , arriving at a section roofed by a natural arch of considerable length .
2 Roy , 37 , even leaves Janette in the dead of night and goes down to the bar hoping to catch a glimpse of his beloved spirit .
3 Cross the road and take path going north-north-east which then bears left to Stoke Ridge and goes down to the bend in the road at Stoke Pero .
4 Slightly irritated he thinks that there is something wrong with the lock and goes down to reception for assistance .
5 They played gallantly , leading right up to the final game , and going down on 836 .
6 Corbett bathed in the guest-house 's one and only tub before dressing and going down to the buttery for ale and a bowl of bread and fish boiled in milk .
7 She had spoken of meeting the following weekend and going down to Juliet 's .
8 Thursday dawned as dully as the day before and Fabia got out of bed and went through the routine of getting showered and dressed and going down to breakfast with a total lack of enthusiasm or appetite .
9 He got out of the planes coming , we , we was coming over from de Laborgie and you give him the needle and I had to lead him off the lead him off the plane , and going down over the chimneys in Chantilly to landu Laborgie he goes , woo ooh ooh , getting ready you know .
10 The loss of the dog means that we cut short our projected trip north , and go down into Dividalen , to the south .
11 So at baptism , the new Christian would be immersed and go down into the river or the immersion font in Burmese skirt and coat , and on emerging from the water be clothed with the three garments of a Burmese monk , only white in colour instead of saffron , this signing acceptance as a mature member of the religious community and the cleansing from sin .
12 Tommy , you put on your coat and go down to the police box and they 'll know what to do . ’
13 How could anyone know that Wetherby was going to get hungry and go down to the kitchen for some cheese ?
14 Look , take this sovereign and go down to the station .
15 Anna refused to see them but let Constanza meet their boys and girls and go down to their houses in the country .
16 In the flat below , a teenage couple quarrelled about whether it was safe to leave the baby and go down to the pub .
17 There was a pause , then he said , ‘ Well now , would you be very kind and go down to the cabin and fetch me a bottle of wine , Jim ?
18 Just as soon as you are better " — and she meant both of them — " we 'll get out the carriage and go down to that sweet little shop of Miss Adeane 's to buy bonnets and shawls and order new dresses .
19 They would put on their old trousers and wellingtons , and go down to the allotment , to the damp-smelling shed where her father kept his gardening things .
20 I know , but when she was saying apparently th like the research was that er people who leave Scotland and go down to , you know the south of England and all that , their words begin to crop up down there .
21 The water was thick and brown and went down through the top end of Spaladale at a fearful rate .
22 They fell into step together , and went down onto the path which followed the bank of the stream , Jehan laughed softly , and then he sat down in the middle of the carpet to eat the last of the sweet cakes .
23 She opened the first bottle of wine , and went down to the door .
24 At the well they left their books and went down to the shore .
25 Gathering himself , he dismissed her and went down to the waiting car .
26 When they were out of sight , Mungo touched the golden glass ball for luck and went down to the yard .
27 We all loaded into the Volvo and went down to Shellerton Manor where everyone trooped in to see Harry .
28 I left Kristin and Sabine in the garden talking to the bodyboarding champion of the world and went down to the beach .
29 Gedge was anxious to save money and went down to London on a coach to pick up the singles .
30 At nine o'clock he left his room and went down to the bar .
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