Example sentences of "and go to the " in BNC.

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1 But he does all this at the cost of suspending a due sense of the tendency there has also been for poets to see further than their noses , and to speak out , and to go to the wall for it .
2 Mark and I went down to Yorkshire on Saturday morning to stay with an old University friend of mine and to go to the Bedale Point-to-Point with a group of people .
3 I hope that the hon. Gentleman will take the trouble both to read my announcement about the improvements in cold weather payments this year and to go to the Library to see how those allocations are made .
4 Indeed , this is the most significant aspect of the role of religion in the divisions and conflicts in Ireland and goes to the heart of the matter .
5 Everyone then gets out of the habit of going to the pub and goes to the ever-increasing competition such as McDonald 's or other fast food establishments .
6 It is very important to go to the mikva on time , and the woman who puts herself out and goes to the mikva even when it is not convenient to go , is commended by the rabbis in Jewish literature .
7 Waiting to board a plane in Venezuela , Faber suddenly feels faint , and goes to the bathroom , hoping that the plane will leave without him .
8 Initially everyone welcomes the idea , but very quickly the organization outgrows the house and goes to the local authority demanding permission to build in the grounds .
9 Always taking cold which settles in the nose , throat or ears and goes to the chest .
10 And supposing Susan thinks you 're a crook , and goes to the police ? ’ ,
11 She inches to the edge of the bed , he follows ; she lies on her back , his hand attempts to part her furiously dry lips ; she wraps herself in the sheet , the tense warmth of his body suffocates her doubly ; she leaps up and goes to the lavatory , he watches her through the glass wall .
12 Section C is taking the basic feel from A and making it a little busier ( this is a good technique to use over a middle 8 section in order to build it dynamically , but not lose the original direction for the song ) ; it then repeats to A and goes to the coda .
13 From Kingsford Country Park the Way passes Solcum Farm and goes to the village of Drakelow and on to Shatterford .
14 Five minutes later , the man with sunglasses comes out of the house and goes to the black car in the road .
15 If someone is unlucky and goes to the wrong festival , the lesson will not open with the words that I have quoted .
16 The relationship between cash crops , particularly those for export , and subsistence crops for local consumption , has occasioned an intense and sometimes bitter debate that has been going on for decades , if not centuries , and goes to the very heart of the global capitalist system and its transnational contradictions .
17 sh , he 's really sort of like , dead brainy and goes to the child-minder and goes to school and whatever !
18 Religious hope flickers , as at Magnus Martyr , but the city crowds out the city churches , and going to the apparent sources of the religious life which seemed to hold promise in Lower Thames Street , Eliot found himself unable to sustain hope .
19 Lee was pulling bits of twig through the camouflage net and going to the entrance all the time to look at Caspar .
20 He remembered about twenty-five young children coming and going to the house in Reading .
21 Anyone expecting a baby around the end of April and going to the Sorrento who would like to share the hire of a specialised birthing tank to use in labour ?
22 She is responsible for helping the patient and carers in daily tasks such as washing , bathing and going to the toilet .
23 In addition to dependence on people , a person who is physically handicapped will almost certainly be dependent on aids and equipment ; for example , a specially equipped bathroom to minimise the risk of falling while bathing and going to the toilet , and special safety gadgets in the kitchen to ensure that cooking can be accomplished without the risk of being cut or burned .
24 He asked you to pretend that he was staying here and going to the symposium on a daily basis .
25 ‘ I was about 12 and going to the school up the road — Clint Boon was in the year above me — and one morning there was this big commotion in the classroom .
26 He also knew how to live well by dining at expensive restaurants and going to the theatre , and as the Heritage Secretary he had invaluable contacts in the acting world .
27 And going to the table , he asked , ‘ Would you like some bread an' drippin' ? ’
28 Given full rein to run as far as they want , the plants are living very well and do n't feel in any particular danger , so there is no need for them to waste energy by perpetuating the species and going to the trouble of producing flower and setting seed .
29 For a number of seasons , before I began teaching at New York University and going to the Horn of Africa during the early part of the season , I was a tipster for the Sydney Morning Herald .
30 So she waited , pacing about her room and going to the window every other minute to look across the harbour at the carrack which lay at anchor a cable or so from the town landing stage .
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