Example sentences of "and which [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Madame Mattli might be a stickler for detail , with a generous helping of the artistic temperament which kept her tight-coiled as a spring and which would explode into frenzy if the smallest detail was not as it should be , but she also had a kind face and deep perceptive eyes .
2 They also stressed the importance of maintaining a price structure which continued to attract off-peak loads , such as cooking , water heating and non-winter space heating , and which would enable them to increase the consumption of small consumers to more economic levels .
3 It was agreed that parliament should consist of a national assembly , which would be responsible for the preparation and adoption of principal pieces of legislation and which would control the budget , and a senate , which would represent the regions and would have the power to review , refer and delay legislation .
4 They needed clothes that would not get torn in a fight , which would stay pressed and neat and which would identify them in a crowd .
5 Before any options are granted to replace those which have already been exercised and which would result in the total value of options granted to an individual under the Scheme ( including options which have been exercised ) exceeding four times his annual remuneration , the Committee will satisfy itself that the grant of such options is justified by the performance of the Company in the previous two to three years .
6 Influenced by developments such as these , substantial public support began to develop for measures which would protect the position of the indigenous nationalities and which would ensure that economic decisions were taken with a greater degree of consideration for local circumstances .
7 She envisaged a shop where cleansing lotions would be displayed in simple bottles of all shapes and sizes and which would contain the natural ingredients she had come across during her trips to remote communities .
8 One might hazard a guess that Part I was concerned with devising a conformation in which the fission explosion would raise the thermonuclear material to the required temperature and pressure and which would contain the material at a sufficient density for a time long enough for a substantial amount to react before being dispersed .
9 But , whatever their knowledge , of far greater importance in official thinking was the strategic value of a power source which lent itself naturally to centralized control , which was operated by a well paid , reliable work-force and which would continue to keep the miners at bay .
10 An independent Central Bank might provide such a restraint , and so might the constitutional amendment , suggested in Friedman and Friedman ( 1980 ) , which obliges the government to expand the money stock at some fixed rate and which would make cheating on this obligation illegal .
11 Can the Minister justify the payment of more than £234,000 of public money to accountants , bureaucrats and consultants to prepare opting-out submissions when that money can be better used to reduce waiting lists or to make a donation to the appeal for the Royal hospital for sick children in Edinburgh instead of being used to propagate Tory party propaganda which is not wanted by the people of Scotland and which would damage the health service in Scotland ?
12 The way was now open to an orthodox Christian philosophy which would contain psychology , history and poetry within it , and which would emphasize the Middle Ages ; it would embrace the Gothic Revival and the Oxford or Anglo-Catholic Movement within the Church of England .
13 There are some transitional arrangements to cope with designs which had been registered on or after 12th January 1988 but prior to the more rigorous standards now applicable ( that is , prior to 1st August 1989 ) and which would fail to be registrable subsequently .
14 Supply would be regulated by a system of government licences analogous to those already in force for tobacco and alcohol ( and which would serve , among other things , to keep drugs out of the hands of children ) , backed by strict policing and heavy penalties .
15 It was a greenfield site which allowed R.S. to construct buildings which suited its commercial needs exactly and which would provide excellent facilities for staff ;
16 The panel brought to last year 's assembly a modest am amendment of the nineteen sixty three act which it believed was theologically sound pastorally sensitive and which would provide a degree of flexibility .
17 Reclamation of the foreshore to seaward of the Imperial Dock was extended to the Eastern Breakwater to complete a scheme which had been in progress for several years and which would provide additional space for industry .
18 Similarly , she would turn to the quotations from the Bible , which appeared on church notice boards , and on certain hoardings in the town centre , and which would declare .
19 On the other hand he would have a much enlarged Aquitaine , to be held in sovereignty , the ‘ perpetual liberty ’ which he had instructed the Black Prince to demand of his royal prisoner in 1357 , and which would remove at a stroke the threat of confiscation .
20 It was to discuss the new storage and filing systems to be used for the archive of de Chavigny designs , which had been replanned from scratch at Edouard de Chavigny 's insistence , and which would become fully operational that week , when the archive was finally moved to its new headquarters .
21 In terms of optimum climatic conditions , the Corn Belt would be forced towards the north on to acid podzol soils which are badly leached and which would require extensive and expensive soil amendments .
22 This means that , before you begin to think about colours and the names of varieties , you have to be clear about what you would like to do and what it is possible to do , perhaps planting kinds and types about which you may have heard but are not familiar with and which would add variation and interest to your garden .
23 The vicar and his team , led by outgoing churchwarden Robert Parker , envisage an extension which would double the width of the existing church , and which would include a parish office and a private room for counselling and other meetings .
24 G.J. Warnock , a distinguished post-war philosopher , offers a strange analysis of seeing which allows no place for judgement nor even the capability of it , as was the case with our driver , and which would include both the dog and the infant .
25 There are aspects of the scheme which appear either to distort information or to offer less sophisticated information than is required , and which would cause library authorities to examine its cost-effectiveness very closely before theory could be put into practice .
26 It would be nice , then , if there was some feature of the black hole by which observers outside the black hole could tell its entropy , and which would increase whenever matter carrying entropy fell into the black hole .
27 But it might be salvaged by the damnatio , to which that restriction did not apply , and which would impose on the heir an obligation to pay the object or its value .
28 He began the Standard 's Premonitions Bureau to record and date any claims of prophecies , and which would act only as an independent and impartial witness .
29 During the visit Venkataraman inaugurated the 336 MW Chhukha hydroelectric project in Bhutan which was designed and built with full Indian technical and financial assistance and which would export 85 per cent of its power to India .
30 There was her grandmother , solid and real , who could offer her stories nearly as miraculous as those that Fenna told her and which would have the miraculous ponderousness of fact .
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