Example sentences of "and as he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As it happened all his discoveries went against the Peripatetic views , and as he advanced so the attacks on him grew , largely because the lesser ones among opponents saw their cosy lives of repetitions of dogma in danger .
2 It had her dropping her aggressive stance immediately , and as he advanced she retreated until she felt the table hard and unyielding against her back .
3 He was stripped to the waist and as he jogged along between the shafts a few coins — obviously his meagre earnings for the day — jingled pathetically in a leather pouch fastened to the back of his belt .
4 But his finger never pulled the trigger for he , too , felt an explosion in his chest and , as if going into a slow dive , he dropped to the earth , the gun still gripped in his hand , and as he died he heard a voice yelling , ‘ Christ !
5 And as he drives away , he 's thinking not about the assertiveness of a petty official , but about the horizon .
6 ‘ I expect Lubor is busy beavering away back in his office ? ’ she asked as a warm-up question before she got down to basics — and immediately wished that she had n't because at once Ven 's expression darkened , and as he raised an aristocratic eyebrow she knew instantly that all affability was gone .
7 And as he surveyed just how much it all weighed — he was thankful he was n't a horse .
8 A detective listening to this story nodded gravely , for it confirmed his beliefs , and as he said , ‘ these academics can not operate in the cut and thrust of the real world , can they ? ’
9 Near Damascus Paul had an extraordinary experience and as he said of himself , was captured by Christ — God had pleased to reveal His Son to him .
10 ‘ I have a proposition for you , ’ he said to Burkett and as he said it he weighed up his man as if he had met him for the first time .
11 And as he said it , shifty-eyes-with-dandruff ( and I 'll throw in bad breath ) put out a hand for my arm .
12 He returned home about eight o'clock in the evening , feeling absolutely exhausted , and as he said , all he wanted to do was go to sleep .
13 The quotation he give was sixty five and as he said which is true they double every five years .
14 And as he poked around the undergrowth for hidden poachers , another shot would ring out from the far end of the water .
15 The consultant psychogeriatrician in the London Borough of Newham was one of those approached , and as he responded most quickly and positively , Newham became the second area in which the project was to be set up .
16 He reached the hotel unscathed , although the burns on his jacket showed where he had beaten out the phosphorous splashes with his leather gloves , and as he followed Peter Young there were , as he later described , ‘ different sounds , from the various calibres of arms , artillery exchanges between Kenya and a coast defence battery somewhere down the fjord , anti-aircraft fire from the ships against attacking Messerschmitts , the demolitions , and the crackling roar of flames ’ .
17 He had already removed his jacket in the cloying warmth of the office but his white shirt was immaculate and as he reached across the desk Tom caught the gleam of gold cufflinks against the stiff white cuffs .
18 Whitlock swung the Golf Corbio on to the sliproad , past the hoarding , and as he reached the crest of the first rise he saw the plant laid out before him , hemmed in behind ten-feet-high fencing crowned with layers of barbed wire , all of which he later discovered could be electrified at the flick of a switch .
19 Travis had turned his back , and as he reached for his other pair of jeans she had the perfect view of long tanned , muscular legs , a taut , narrow behind and a torso that widened to an impressive width of shoulder .
20 ‘ The Mercy Seat is about this person in solitary confinement , becoming more sensitive to inanimate objects , and as he sits thinking about human and Divine Justice , finding himself judging these things as Good or Evil . ’
21 He put a coin into her small hand , and as he touched her wrist he noticed how quickly the blood was beating .
22 His hands left her hair , moved swiftly down her spine , cupping her rear suddenly and pressing her tighter against his hard body , a harsh groan coming from the back of his throat as one strong hand swept suddenly to her breast , and as he touched and stroked her there she gave a fierce moan of excitement , whispering incoherent words against his mouth in blind , overpowering , dazed response .
23 The longer the race went on , the better Devon Loch jumped , and as he soared over Becher 's Brook on the second circuit no runner was going better : the Queen Mother 's dream of winning the Grand National was about to come true .
24 Salim gets out of Africa , and as he does so , there seem to be allusions to the journey upriver in Conrad 's Heart of Darkness , which also ends ( though by no means hopefully ) with an Intended .
25 His face darkened , and as he strode grimly towards her she stumbled hastily to her feet and backed up against the wall .
26 Despite the assurances of the Director of his Department that he was favourably looked upon , and despite the fact that there was no doubt that at his office he was being treated with a subtle air of respect , nothing formal or official about his promotion had been announced ; and as he knew very well , a change of Directorship , a shift in Government economic policy , even a chill wind in international relations , could mean the end of his hopes .
27 She brought up her clenched fists to beat at him , and as he saw the dirt on them Benedict did let her go , stepping back out of the way .
28 I got in , and as he drove on I was watching his face , fascinated .
29 As God drives back the waters so that they can cross in safety , and as he sends the wall of water rushing down upon Pharaoh 's forces , Israel learns the truth of Moses ' words : " The Lord will fight for you , and you have only to be still " ( 14:14 ) .
30 She was in bed lying on her back , and as he crossed the room towards her he noticed a number of strange things .
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