Example sentences of "and his [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Hitler 's personal magnetism , his unique demagogic talents , his strength of will , apparent self-confidence and certainty of action , and his indispensability to the Movement ( which had fractured without his leadership following the ill-fated Putsch of 1923 ) , all provided the foundations of charismatic authority of extraordinary strength within his own entourage , resting upon bonds of personal loyalty .
2 but , when you go into the passage his door , he 's got the door into the front room , same as ours , on the left , but when you get into the bottom of the passage , there 's a brick wall in front of ya , and it comes round and his door to the back dining room is on this side here
3 He was anticipating losing his love and his child to Steve and it was all too much for him .
4 And then he closed the court and turned his mind and his emotions to the pleasures of the day , literary or social .
5 Offer a treaty , if he will disclaim Balliol and his pretensions to the Scots throne .
6 Nor were the Germans much amused by M. Mitterrand 's initial coolness towards reunification and his trip to Mr Gorbachev in Kiev in December 1989 to try to stop it .
7 He calls us by name , and his relationship to each one of us fits our own person uniquely .
8 One quote from ‘ Yoga Today ’ ( Vol. 12 No. 4 , August 1987 ) will illustrate how the religious philosophy surrounding Yoga contradicts what the Word of God reveals about God and His relationship to the world and man .
9 As such , there is little difference between his relationship to Mrs Robinson and his relationship to Elaine , both of them being essentially immoral . ’
10 The problems the fathers faced were more related to the nature and person of Christ and his relationship to the triune Godhead than the meaning of the cross .
11 There was , in the arrangements for depend ants and widows , inevitably built into the scheme certain assumptions about the male breadwinner and his relationship to the family unit , which have left a difficult legacy for attempts to balance the interests of men and women in our own age .
12 The calm approach of Hilton and his contemporaries to the mystical extremity may not have been simply due to British phlegm but may also have been the legacy of the relaxed and tranquil spirituality of Benedictine monasticism .
13 Not only was he engaged in his publishing work , his meetings of the Moot and the Chandos Group , and his visits to Oxford for the Christian News Letter , but also he set himself a punishing schedule of conferences , talks and lectures ; in the first week of January 1941 , for example , there were six full days of such conferences .
14 The election of Cardinal Wojtyla of Krakow as Pope John Paul II in 1978 and his visits to Poland in 1979 and subsequently emphasised these attachments and strengthened the historic association between the Catholic faith and Polish nationhood .
15 Though at first , Pip could not bear to touch him , later on he takes great care of him and grows to love him which is shown by their holding hands at the trial of Magwitch and his visits to him as he is awaiting execution .
16 Despite opposition from the SDLP , Alliance and Sinn Fein , unionist councillors voted to send the Lord Mayor , Reg Empey and his deputy to the September 12 ceremony honouring Orangemen who died in two world wars and other conflicts .
17 But the party changed its position when supporting a move to send the mayor and his deputy to Thiepval to pay tribute to the members of the Orange Order who died during the two world wars .
18 I was amused at Dr Spock 's comment about his book and his attitude to child-rearing towards the end of his life .
19 His philosophy of management may be summed up as ‘ Pick a good team and let them get on with it ’ , and his attitude to marketing as ‘ Good wine needs no bush ’ .
20 It 's his second fairly serious relationship and his attitude to sex will come as surprise to most unenlightened adults but it is , according to our survey , a typical one .
21 Unfortunately , the manner of his presentations and his attitude to criticism tended to alienate support for his case further , though his views were balanced and based on careful research .
22 Critics of the play have failed to notice that , since everything pivots around Iago 's plotting , we tend to accept — unless we are very careful — Iago 's version of events , and his attitude to his victims .
23 To me , and to the hundreds of ordinary French housewives who listened to his talks and read his books , his ideas and his attitude to cookery were stimulating and liberating .
24 And his attitude to breeding and increase was as matter-of-fact as that of some of the pilgrims who went to Canterbury in the fourteenth century .
25 4.3 We propose a general rule that the liability of the original tenant , and his entitlement to benefits under the lease , should not survive an assignment of the lease .
26 The alternative regime in ss219 to 229 applies if : ( a ) Target is an unquoted trading company or the holding company of a trading group ( an unquoted company will include one whose shares are traded on the Unlisted Securities Market ) ; ( b ) the purchase of own shares is wholly or mainly for the benefit of Target 's trade or any of its 75% subsidiaries ; ( c ) the purchase does not form part of a scheme or arrangement the main purpose of which is to avoid tax or enable shareholders to participate in the company 's profits without being taxed on dividends ( there is a clearance procedure under s225 ) ; ( d ) the vendor shareholders are resident and ordinarily resident in the UK in the tax year in which the buy-in occurs ; any nominee shareholder must also be so resident , so if the distribution treatment is desirable it can be achieved by interposing non-UK-resident nominees ; ( e ) the shareholder has held his shares for at least five years ; ( f ) the shareholder 's shareholding immediately after the buy-in has been substantially reduced ( ie , by 25% or more , and his entitlement to profits must be similarly reduced ) ; for these purposes the shareholder must include the shareholdings of his " associates " as determined in accordance with s227 ; ( g ) the shareholder must not be connected with the company following the buy-in , and for these purposes he will be connected if he is entitled to acquire more than 30% of the share capital or voting rights in the company or assets on a winding up .
27 This tall and handsome man , not so many years older than himself — he must have been a mere boy when McAllister was conceived — could only be by his manner , and his resemblance to her , McAllister 's formidable father , so often referred to .
28 Even the compensation of going to the Saturday matinee on my own to see Buck Jones or Hoot Gibson and then again at night with Uncle Geordie and his wife to another picture house for the big film of the week — Clara Bow or Norma Talmadge or some star like that — did n't make up for the way Skipper kept eyeing me and slavering .
29 ‘ I think I 'll ask the new vicar , Mr Allan , and his wife to tea on Wednesday , ’ said Marilla one day .
30 His personal weaknesses and his deference to Sir William Coventry were satirized by George Villiers , second Duke of Buckingham [ q.v. ] , in a play , The Country Gentleman ( 1669 ) , but unlike Coventry he survived the humiliation and continued to serve Charles II as a ministerial spokesman on financial legislation .
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