Example sentences of "and by [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There was also an acceptance , as the implications were worked out later in the paper , that Terminal courses with ‘ a good deal of teaching at quite an elementary level ’ were ‘ a most important part ’ of the WEA 's work ; that university graduates , who usually had a narrow academic education , could benefit from the breadth of learning offered by the WEA quite as much as manual workers ; that courses in literature and the arts were clearly a valid part of the WEA 's total provision because they attracted new members , taught the processes of serious study and by enriching lives helped ‘ in raising the quality of the public which has the power of judgement upon those set in authority over it ’ .
2 He was survived by his wife , Mary Trotter , whom he married in 1847 , daughter of the Revd Robert Hunter , a schoolmaster of Colinton , and by two sons and four daughters .
3 Asimov is survived by his second wife , Janet , and by two children from his first marriage .
4 Everyone he had shown it to had described it as brilliant , and by all accounts it was ; rejection hurt .
5 Muller , in fact , played off-season for the Greystones club in Ireland and by all accounts has been one of the most successful migratory players to visit the island .
6 And by all accounts no one but Fergie 's stepmother even bothers curtseying to the disgraced Duchess of York since she was photographed topless and having her toes sucked by her money man .
7 Jim has made some enquiries through Italian legal colleagues and by all accounts the man does come from a very good family — very good indeed — so at least he has n't told her a tissue of lies about his background . ’
8 She was calculating and ambitious , and by all accounts at least a competent journalist .
9 And by all accounts Nicola Sharpe had her supporters and her detractors .
10 After Munich in a very short year we were at war , and by all accounts it was a very different manner of acceptance of war than we are told of the 1914 war .
11 Motorbikes from Bejing are being imported into Britain by an engineer , and by all accounts he 's doing a roaring trade .
12 Sunday lunch is £5.95 , half for children , and by all accounts the Eagle 's really soaring by one o'clock .
13 BANDCALL by CHRIS LLOYD Warfare : Crescendo of Reflexions FROM Shildon and by all accounts big in America .
14 So that one bargain could be fairly compared with another , the cost of borrowing — the interest charged — should in all cases and by all lenders be expressed in terms of an Annual Percentage Rate ( APR ) , not solely in weekly or monthly interest .
15 A quantitative analysis of these alternants , taken from 30 one-hour interviews of 15 men and 15 women , had revealed a preference for the indicative and conditional forms in lower-status groups and by all speakers in less careful styles .
16 Korth , for instance , showed that within 20 metres of the point of origin , pellets dropped into a small stream start to lose some of their bone , by 80 metres the pellets start to break up , and by 200 metres all the bone is lost .
17 The implication which follows , that the glacial erosional forms produced by arctic and by temperate glaciers differ in size and geometry , receives some support from the glacial geomorphology literature .
18 This implies a certain kind of model of racism and its mode of representation , one which stresses the element of negotiation or contradiction in the way people are positioned in and by racist discourses .
19 And by low temperatures I do n't just mean a few degrees below freezing , but the world close to what scientists call ‘ absolute zero ’ .
20 Gradually , though , a baby 's brain learns to cope with the information the eyes are feeding it and by six months , most babies have more or less normal sight .
21 Ridges on the embryonic surface , representing the future genital organs , are present by the end of the fifth week and by six weeks the sexual glands ( the gonads ) are developing although as yet undifferentiated between male and female .
22 The bridle lengths must also be symmetrical , and by general standards are long .
23 While he said the AS/400 may well be taken up at existing IBM Corp sites and by medium-sized firms , he feels larger organisations will be less eager in Europe than in the US .
24 While he said the AS/400 may well be taken up at existing IBM Corp sites and by medium-sized firms , he feels larger organisations will be less eager in Europe than in the US .
25 Opposition to the agreement was expressed both by the Turkish government , which feared that the clause on mutual defence could affect the status quo in Cyprus , and by left-wing parties in Greece , which wanted all the bases closed .
26 There is also the cost of care both up to today 's date given by her parents and in the future to be given by her parents and by professional carers .
27 Learning diaries are being used increasingly by such bodies as the Council for National Academic Awards ( CNAA ) and by professional bodies such as HCIMA who are seeking to credit prior learning in support of such matters as
28 On the contrary it is characterized by the importance of political patronage , a suspicion of written records , favouritism and by internal rivalries and disunity .
29 ( a ) To carry on business consisting of the provision of professional services such as are provided by individuals practising as solicitors and by multi-national partnerships PROVIDED THAT nothing in any sub-clause of this Clause shall give the Company power to do anything in breach of the Solicitors Act 1974 , the Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to recognised bodies by virtue of the Rules or section 9 of the AJA .
30 ( a ) To carry on business consisting of the provision of professional services such as are provided by individuals practising as solicitors and by multi-national partnerships PROVIDED THAT nothing in any sub-clause of this Clause shall give the Company power to do any thing in breach of the Solicitors Act 1974 , the Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to recognised bodies by virtue of the Rules or section 9 of the AJA .
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