Example sentences of "and they went [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 After confiscating their musical instruments , the police allowed them to proceed and they went on to parade — much more quietly than they would have liked .
2 Colchester 's ability to turn defence into attack finally divided the teams and they went on to win 15–7 .
3 Rachaela did not argue , and they went on unpacking the crate until a quarter past six .
4 So their own minister held a service at the station , and the agent gave them a good dinner cheering them on in Gaelic , at which they wept , and they went on to settle at Moosomin , where they lived happily ever afterwards .
5 She freed herself and they went on milking .
6 They were given the chance to recant , they did so , and they went on with their work .
7 Instead he fell into step , and they went on from there .
8 And they went on then to consider lack of understanding of consumers about G M technology as a whole , and made recommendations for erm , er , better labelling , and for a erm , information campaign to be launched as well .
9 When , when Pat and Ann was at Notre Dame , Pat used to sell , tell stuff oh and they went on and on and on
10 He opened the car door for her , hugged her as she got out , and they went up to her flat , his arm round her shoulders .
11 Went up there the following day and they came back armed with all sorts of things — knives and cudgels — and they went up there and a real fight developed .
12 He met Pilger in the foyer and they went up to the room .
13 There had been partisans hidden up there during the war , before you … but now only the shepherds used the long-abandoned houses and they went up on foot with their flocks .
14 Then of course the there were area combat missions , area missions but these had nothing to do er with the work training I think that and I did and in developing of our crews so that we were able to survive and of course er our mission that we thought that would probably be the same as was on the fourteenth when we went to Schweinfurt and we made it back and not only that but we got back to England , we 'd manage on about the third pass to get in to this one field and there was another plane trying to get in and they went up and bailed out and after we were eating our supper here they brought the men in the fields er where they , on the bombers ' field where they had landed the never got in so they went up and set the plane on automatic pilot and bailed out because they could n't land the plane but we managed to take them out and I think there was the extra good flying training and I did together that made us able to survive the savage attacks that we had , he had it on the Munster mission , I had it on the Schweinfurt mission .
15 And they went up and asked Wendy for photos .
16 And they went round on their rounds and they called along every eleven days .
17 When Nenna told them that she had urgent business on the other side of London and that she would have to ask whether Martha and Tilda could stay the night , Rochester accepted without protest , and they went over , taking with them their nightdresses , Cliff records , the Cliff photograph and two packets of breakfast cereals , for they did not like the same kind .
18 And they went over just to be fitted with the
19 Then the gates opened and they went through .
20 Wexford laughed and they went down in the lift together .
21 I 've also done performances of my songs in arts centres and they went down very well .
22 And they went down the shelter .
23 He came through the door , and he was laughing , he took Rosalba in his arms and kissed her and they went down on to the sheepskin with soft cooing giggles and sucked and licked and flowed together in the nest like a mother cat and her kittens .
24 I heaved him at the other two and they went down , firing wild into the air .
25 He collided with the Guardsmen , and they went down in a tangle .
26 Ranulf scooped his dice into his leather wallet and they went down the spiral wooden staircase and into the hall .
27 The tide was ebbing , and they went down on the steeply shelving bed of the Conway .
28 And the man was er , accepted Christ as his saviour and they went down and Philip baptized in there , in in in the river .
29 also fielded a side weakened through injury and they went down 22–12 at Ripon in their cup-tie .
30 also fielded a side weakened through injury and they went down 22–12 at Ripon in their cup-tie .
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