Example sentences of "and at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 It also brought up the art quote of the year , from one Ziff Fistrunk ( no , I do not make up the name ) , director of the Southside Chicago Sports Council , who organised the protest : ‘ I have trained players in Little League and semi-pro baseball , and at no time did I train them naked . ’
2 In other words , despite all the efforts of people anxious to prove otherwise , the fact is that man 's need for a ‘ god ’ has always been met as a result of his own efforts , and at no time supernaturally .
3 There was a certain entrepreneurial spirit about our man ; he seems to have had an eye for the main chance , and at no time more so than in 1854 , when he left behind the delights of Hoxton and begun a brief flirtation with the idea of running a lodging house .
4 Polls ( as one surrogate of political activity ) were consistently low , and at no time was there popular representation amongst the leadership .
5 The assault was stiffly resisted and at no time in their planning had the Germans calculated that the Belgians would do anything other than tamely submit .
6 Naturally , with the increasing prosperity of Scotland in the course of the eighteenth century , the value of minor private patronage diminished , but it could be replaced on occasion by alternatives , and at no time did the agents of administration control all available employment .
7 Now she had rudely stripped the corpse , and at no time during the action had she thought of that strip of white fabric …
8 Clearly these involved Roger in a considerable amount of work , and at a time when Roger 's wife was giving birth to their daughter in the UK !
9 He was our college barber ; and at a time when most of us were penniless he cut hair for a shilling ( = 5p , to those who do not know what a shilling was ) .
10 And at a time when Furtwängler was out of fashion in Britain and America it was not unusual to be told that he rarely managed to play two successive bars in the same tempo .
11 Far more important was the fact that this baby girl , born two weeks after the defeat of a Scottish army by the English at Solway Moss , and at a time when her remarkable father James V was lying burnt out at the age of thirty in his glorious hunting-lodge at Falkland , was to be within a week of her birth queen of the Scots .
12 Prospective owners were required to put down an initial deposit of £50,000 , which seemed fair enough when they had received 1,400 applications and at a time when the prices of exclusive cars were rising to the stratosphere .
13 The Sonata in A minor K.310/300d ( 25 ) was written in the summer of 1778 , following his mother 's death and at a time when he was parted from Aloysia Weber .
14 For this reason , and at a time of less genial moods , the Report was to come under severe criticism .
15 However , since the scheme was implemented in very unfavourable political circumstances and at a time when overall resources for education were shrinking , its impact was limited .
16 The launch of the Linn CD player , an exotic two-box player priced at ten pounds less than £2600 , comes just a decade into the era of CD , and at a time when record player sales are on their uppers , and W H Smith , the UK 's largest purveyor of prerecorded music , is pledged to withdraw LPs from its stores by about the time this issue hits the newsstands .
17 In order for earth energies to inspire , the individual needs to be in a place where , and at a time when , those energies are strong , and also needs to allow such energies to flow freely through them .
18 They would take separate holidays at least once every two years ; they would have at most two children and at a time of her choosing ; neither would publicly humiliate the other ; the spectrum of marital offences under this heading ranging from spoiling the other 's dinner-party stories to a too-public infidelity .
19 The accountancy profession was built on providing practical service to emerging industries , before the audit requirements , and at a time when audit requirements were somewhat minimal .
20 So , as part of your itinerary , and at a time suitable to you , we will show you around these splendid lodges of which Craigendarroch is justifiably proud .
21 If he did not sell a property there was no charge , and at a time when other agents charged for everything down to advertisements in the papers , this was a popular and profitable revolution , which added to the image of ‘ man of the people ’ .
22 He was light for what he did and played in a place and at a time when very heavy tackling was the chief feature of the game .
23 With such evidence of divergent religious feeling , and at a time when antislavery was no longer disciplined by the immediate and agreed task of overthrowing colonial slavery , it is not surprising that organisational pluralism became a feature of the reform culture of abolitionists .
24 In the course of this odyssey , and at a time when travel was usually uncomfortable and often dangerous , he travelled nearly eighty thousand kilometres on horseback and spent some £30,000 of his own money in his determination to improve prison conditions ; he entered prisons in disguise in defiance of governments who feared the power of his pen ; was captured by pirates ; quelled a riot single handed and more than earned John Wesley 's tribute to him as ‘ one of the greatest men in Europe ’ .
25 It came in the aftermath of the Pilkington Report , which had roundly condemned ITV , and at a time when profits were fat , as a result of which the government was introducing a tax , in the form of a levy on advertising revenue .
26 And at a time of frequent harvest failures and recurrent food shortage , exports of grain were being ruthlessly forced upwards .
27 And at a time of great economic uncertainty , this goal assumes increased importance , especially in an ageing population .
28 Such sites suit their conventional styles of building and marketing , and at a time of low demand would improve their cash-flow by capitalising on their extensive land holdings of farm land on the fringe .
29 And at a time when we need the PA more than ever , with all those Eurocrats around and so many other pressures on the PA and the trade generally , we need people who will come forward and put in a bit of time . ’
30 In the years of sharp pruning of public-sector expenditure , and at a time when a comprehensive housing programme embracing improvement , clearance , redevelopment and new building lay beyond the grasp of the Ministry of Health , the most that could be hoped for in the 1920s was the amelioration of a small number of the worst houses .
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