Example sentences of "and not [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I would do no hard training for a month afterwards and not race for about six weeks ’
2 However , there is an expectation that children should use English and not Patwa to their parents .
3 As one observer suggested the watchers deserved medals for their patience and not insults for their insularity .
4 Kant argued that the distinction between numerical and qualitative identity can be meaningfully drawn only in the domain of the phenomenal ; i.e. within the context of space and time , which , according to him , are the " forms of our intuition " and not properties of things in themselves .
5 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is appalling that the Opposition whinge on about the failure of this country to export , when we know that what we need from both sides of the House is unanimity to help exporters and not complaints about them ?
6 On May 9 the KDP and the PUK had issued a joint communiqué in which they declared that the elections should be " a factor of unity and not disunity in our ranks " , that the results of the elections should be accepted and that " all armed manifestations " , particularly on election day , should be forbidden .
7 The Cockcroft Committee 's recommendation relating to graduated tests is stated in para 553 of the report : a study should be commissioned to consider whether it is possible to devise a means of providing evidence of achievement in mathematics for lower-attaining pupils in ways which will support , and not conflict with the provision of suitable mathematics courses in schools .
8 On the analogy of arbitration law , partiality would have to be actual bias , and not conflicts of interest or apparent lack of independence : see Mustill and Boyd , p249 .
9 Invariably , this is ordinary paint and not protection against rotting .
10 There were some granulomatous area on the lower edges of the lungs , possibly caused by migrating worms , but these seemed to be old lesions and not evidence of a newly acquired disease .
11 A. C. Benson was Master of Magdalene College , Cambridge , and not Magdalen in Oxford .
12 With Kiesling he argues that it is that femininity signifies inferiority to Thomas , and not femininity as such , which makes a woman unsuitable .
13 this fixed fee competitive scenario , then we will insist that we are actually comparing apples with apples and not apples with pears , whe when the client looks at our fee and he looks at an external consultant 's or another railway internal consultant 's fee
14 The DFR only acknowledged receipt for shipment and not receipt for on board shipment ; and as did the air waybill , the DFR required only proper identification by the consignee or his agent to obtain delivery of the goods .
15 In addition such a scheme focuses on individuals and not groups of teachers , which , we will argue in Chapter 2 , is an important focus for evaluation .
16 A reply was received from D.M. McBain , the secretary of Baberton Golf Club stating , ‘ The litter which contributes to this unsightly area is discarded by residents and not members of the Golf Club .
17 Actinic Degradation This is the breakdown of ( mostly synthetic ) flysheets through prolonged exposure to the sun , but no-one really knows why it affects some tents and not others of the same make and model .
18 Government recognition of some groups and not others for consultations , negotiations and arbitration , distinguishes corporatism from pluralism ( Harrison 1980 , pp. 73–4 ) .
19 At the end of the day we must concern ourselves with the practicalities and not philosophies of dealing with everyday problems .
20 ‘ Nurse Dungarvan , this may have slipped your notice , but patients are human beings and not machines to which one can fix tidy little labels .
21 In a properly organized political community the state exists for society and not society for the state ; yet , however socially advanced a people may be , the society which it constitutes made up of families , clubs , churches , trade unions , etc. — is not to be trusted to maintain itself without the ultimate arbitrament of force .
22 I have to work the rest of the day and not finish at two o'clock
23 IT 'S NOT easy , in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington , to explain the importance of The Oval cricket ground in Kennington , yet such was my lot when in 1978 , shortly after my family and I had left South Africa following certain differences of opinion with our government , President Jimmy Carter kindly invited my in and asked why we had chosen Britain and not America as our country of refuge .
24 Police said a warning given 30 minutes before the explosions identified Liverpool and not Warrington as the target .
25 Mosley was there instead , his collar undone , casually attired without an official blazer and not sign of leather .
26 I kicked off my boots and swung down below , holding onto a bared crossbeam that creaked with threat , swinging from one hand while I tried to see Harry and not land on top of him .
27 You will also see that we have programmed in the September 1990 Q.T. Day , sot hat in 1990 our year will run from January to December and not September to September as in the past .
28 Although , the rule of the clock affected most people in the sixteenth century far less than it does us today , it was already sufficient to provoke Brother Jean in the Gargantua ( 1535 ) of Rabelais to complain that ‘ the hours are made for man and not man for the hours ! ’
29 the Sabbath was made for the sake of man and not man for the Sabbath ( Mark 2:27 ) .
30 She remembered a little of the acrimony , of the mounting bitterness within the house , of their winter of discontent , which was so much part of and not part of the winter outside , and the miners ' strike .
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