Example sentences of "and that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In framing the loan agreement both the government and the Bank had formally agreed that high-powered international management of the meat plants and ranches was necessary to success , that pastoral cattle keepers should be given title to their land ( an innovation ) , and that the meat price should be raised , thus restraining urban demand .
2 The man upstairs , the first husband whom Maria is to leave , is not ‘ self-aware ’ — unlike Zuckerman , who declares , on behalf of the self-aware , that he has no self and that the self is a joke .
3 Mandela also said that nationalization did not mean that " the private sector would be excluded from certain areas of the economy " and that the ANC welcomed dialogue with business to ensure growth and equal distribution .
4 Mandela said that the ANC accepted full responsibility for the damning findings of the commission and that a fully independent commission would be appointed and that the ANC was considering the commission 's other recommendations .
5 Check that the whole of the property to be sold is included in the plan , no more , no less , and that the boundaries shown leave no room for doubt .
6 They said that it was of himself and that the parcel contained a gun which had been taken to pieces so that he could carry it inconspicuously .
7 For example it is hypothesised that disagreement over the budget is the most likely single cause of the breakdown of co-operative arrangements ; and that the operation of explicit ‘ codes of practice ’ governing inter-p[arty relationships is likely to reduce the tension and uncertainty inherent in hungness .
8 As Figure 5.3 illustrates , it may be derived that teams which are not effectively constituted will have difficulty moving out of the forming and norming stages and that the majority of their time will be spent in these activities ( see Figure 5.4a ) .
9 He said they were reacting to public pressure , and that the majority of people did not support Sunday opening .
10 Eurotunnel , the company financing and overseeing the construction of the rail tunnel between France and the UK [ see p. 35469 ] , announced on May 28 , 1990 , that it had secured additional finance from the European Investment Bank , which had agreed to an increase in the project 's borrowing commitment from £1,000 million to £1,300 million , and that the majority of the 210 international banks supporting the tunnel project had agreed to allow the project to continue to borrow on its prevailing £5,000 million funding capacity .
11 The model with stochastic interest rates assumed that interest rates followed a mean-reverting process , and that the correlation between changes in interest rates and changes in spot prices was zero ( which is questionable ) .
12 It has been proposed that colorectal carcinogenesis is accompanied by increased mucosal cell proliferation and that the converse may also apply .
13 It is very important that the sail edges are stressed taut on the spars and that the degree of tautness is equal from side-to-side .
14 Brah 's own research has revealed that the larger proportion of Asian girls continue to have strong and supportive relationships with parents and that the degree of inter-generational conflict is not necessarily higher than among white families .
15 The Court appears to have taken the view that although the victim was staying overnight in the offender 's house , and therefore he had a degree of responsibility for her welfare , his responsibility was not so strict as that of a parent or other person with a longer lasting relationship with the victim , and that the degree of responsibility in this case did not justify the adoption of eight years as a starting point as opposed to the normal five years .
16 We should also note that it is based on certain assumptions , for example it is assumed that those who have some reason to form a pressure group will , in an open society , do so , and that the degree of governmental response will depend on the degree of pressure the group is able to exert , and that this is directly related to the group 's importance to the community .
17 They also demanded that the king should appoint the great officers of state in parliament with the advice of the magnates , and that the ministers of the crown should be answerable in parliament for their conduct .
18 Do make sure too , especially on some of the brushes that have washers ( plastic coverings ) , that they go back in the right order and that the screw is done up IN THE CENTRE of the washer .
19 It said that the formation of associations , movements or parties " depends on the will of citizens " , and that the LCY would " campaign for its own political legitimacy " and would seek to retain power at free elections which would be " guaranteed by the Constitution " .
20 In August the Slovene delegation to the Skupština launched a strong criticism of the new system , which , it maintained ( EP , 24 August 1987 ) , had ‘ irrefutably shown for a year and a half that it is inefficient , and that the centralization of foreign exchange , the administrative allocation of import entitlements , and priority for the servicing of debts have brought disastrous results for exports and for the inflow of foreign exchange ’ .
21 Indeed , several authorities have striven to prove that the Pembroke and the White Park are different only in colour and that the Pembroke was a direct descendant of those tenth-century red-eared whites .
22 He also addressed the Federal Assembly , promising that he would urge the US Congress to authorize a US$60,000,000 Czechoslovak-USA enterprise fund , and that the United States would support Czechoslovakia in negotiations with the IMF and World Bank .
23 It failed because the French and the British were unhappy about supporting such a move and indeed the United Nations looked very likely er er to be more erm willing to condemn the United States than it was to condemn North Vietnam but the view of most countries in the world at that time was that North Viet that North and South Vietnam were part of the same country , that the Geneva accords in nineteen fifty four which called for unification should be upheld , and that the United States was interfering in , in a south east Asian country for no good reason .
24 It failed because the French and the British were unhappy about supporting such a move and indeed the United Nations looked very likely er er to be more erm willing to condemn the United States than it was to condemn North Vietnam but the view of most countries in the world at that time was that North Viet that North and South Vietnam were part of the same country , that the Geneva accords in nineteen fifty four which called for unification should be upheld , and that the United States was interfering in , in a south east Asian country for no good reason .
25 Check that your child knows where the loo is and that the teachers regularly ask the children if they want to go .
26 I told my father I was trying to get them over to the far side , to the mainland , and that the ones I had to bury , the ones which fell short , were victims of scientific research , but I doubt I really needed this excuse , my father never seemed bothered about the suffering of lower forms of life , despite having been a hippy , and perhaps because of his medical training .
27 He maintained that Latin America had already been drawn into the capitalist system in a dependent role , and that the activities of imperialism would ensure that it would retain this colonial status .
28 A common criticism of the early varieties was that they were only ‘ once flowering ’ , and that the colour range was rather limited — but no more .
29 It was generally accepted in mediaeval Europe that the earth lies at the centre of a finite universe and that the sun , planets and stars orbit around it .
30 Another reason why the Greeks may have chosen the number 360 is because they thought the year was made up of 360 days and that the sun went round the earth once a year .
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