Example sentences of "and he [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was his first job and he locked himself away for the day with a feather and a bottle of wine , ’ remembers Sally .
2 His parents had no piano , but his grandmother had a baby grand and he taught himself to play that whenever he visited her .
3 He refused to sit in a wheelchair , crippled by his disability and others ' prejudice and he taught himself to walk again , built up his stamina by playing football on crutches and progressed to the walking sticks he uses today .
4 She gave a laugh and he pressed himself closer to her beneath the cover .
5 An extra bottle of wine and some spare grub and he had himself a harmless court jester whose sallies were guaranteed to shock or amuse .
6 Mack Sennett had come from a New England working-class background and he had himself worked as a plumber 's mate .
7 Theodora had passed none of that on to the Archdeacon , and he had himself offered no judgement .
8 He stood at the side of Pentonville Road , by a telephone junction-box with posters advertising Woza Albert on it , and he told himself not to expect everything .
9 Carrington was lying on his bunk , fully clothed , and he told himself afterwards that he had known she was outside his cabin before she touched the handle .
10 I remember when he always used to read out during the service before the sermon the previous week 's collection and it used to consist of the collection last Sunday consisted of one pensioning note , twenty ha'penny half crown pieces , forty florins and he 'd go all through the coinage down to the last ha'penny but erm oh I believe he was , he was er very aristocratic , very aristocratic , but er Father , cos he used to come over our house quite a lot when my mother was on the parochial church council , and er he had a curate that was quite leftish and he got himself on the old Board of Guardians and of course he used to sort of er go into the Labour Club and was quite of er father , he said to old Father one night he said erm he 's a funny chap your curate he said well he , he 's the son of a farm labourer he says and I 'm the son of a country squire and that 's the difference .
11 Archery these days is a sport like any other , and he considers himself to be an athlete .
12 And he saw himself left with a ridiculous , dead feeling , and — a half-drugged , frightened , tearful , disgusted young girl .
13 The shame was too great and he shot himself on an Austrian hillside a few weeks later .
14 When he finally lowered the heavy bulk of his sweating body onto the bed beside her , his roughened hands pressed her small thighs wide and he forced himself into her immediately , ignoring her repeated cries of pain .
15 I said to old Tip , ‘ That 's Arnold over there , ’ and he made himself known to him .
16 Since its appearance he had felt better , and he made himself pack and get ready for Glasgow , where he must find lodgings near the Cathedral .
17 He was once a social security Minister and he does himself no credit by forgetting that there are two sides to every argument .
18 Stepping off the concrete path onto gravel was a new sensation and he felt himself slide and stumble .
19 But the pull on his soulless mind was too strong now , and he felt himself being drawn up and up into a vast emptiness , and into the endless skies of infinity .
20 A sweet , deep pain closed about his manhood , and it was then that desire rocketed out of control , and he felt himself become as hard and as high as the beech trees that stood sentinel to Tara 's western avenue …
21 On the opening page of Amis 's first novel , Jim mentally decides on his own word when his professor uses another , deferentially pretending as an untenured lecturer to look amused at a weak professorial joke , and he promises himself to make another sort of face to himself when next alone .
22 Lie down , ’ I said and he eased himself back on to the couch .
23 A bullet cracked inches above his head and he flung himself behind a row of metal dustbins , the Browning clenched tightly in his hand .
24 And he flung himself down on his bed , his hands over his ears .
25 His head collided with a table on the way down and he knocked himself out .
26 I told my boss as well and he killed himself laughing .
27 On 5 June he is said to have ignored a request from a Catholic merchant for protection for his family in the Mansion House ; and he stirred himself only when the Bank of England was reported to be in the mob 's sights .
28 Then his fingers unfolded and he crossed himself reverently and ducked his head .
29 ‘ Do what you can for me , ’ and he crossed himself , picked up his suitcase and moved on .
30 And then nothing for a few moments , until his voice came again and he lifted himself from her .
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