Example sentences of "and in [art] way " in BNC.

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1 But these are quibbles , and in no way detract from Jane Brown 's achievement .
2 It 's too long , too slow and in no way original .
3 In 1974 the Iraqis came up with a detailed law for the autonomous area that was far more restrictive than the 1970 agreement and in no way reflected its accommodating spirit .
4 Alliums ( flowering onion ) such as Allium moly ( yellow ) , A. caeruleum ( purple ) and A. neapolitanum mother-of-pearl pink ) , planted singly or as mixed groups are true hardy garden gems and in no way resemble their culinary brothers and sisters .
5 Our Booking Conditions have been formulated as a result of our responsibilities under law and in no way affect your statutory rights as a consumer .
6 He told the jury that the crime was motiveless and in no way premeditated .
7 He was sorry about the outcome of an affray that he had not started and in no way wanted .
8 The Architects Club , founded in 1791 , was a dining club with limited membership and in no way attempted to be a professional body , but The London Architectural Society , founded in 1806 , was intended to be more representative and instructional .
9 With the peculiar methods of financing the India Office , Scott 's appointment came from Stanley and in no way involved the Office of Works and was largely beyond the control of Parliament .
10 This love can be transcendent and timeless , and in no way can it be tarnished .
11 What follows , therefore , is an outline which is very general indeed and in no way a blueprint to be slavishly followed in every instance .
12 In other words , their senses are natural and in no way ‘ extra ’ .
13 But that 's my opinion and in no way … no way reflects on the present gathering . ’
14 But these were just two little subcultures , and in no way representative of Britain as a whole .
15 They are an exciting medium which requires special handling and a different approach to painting , making them unique and in no way inferior to painting .
16 But Joan 's smile was all her own — and in no way feigned .
17 ‘ There 's been a wonderful family atmosphere here and in no way would it be harmed by people having a bet . ’
18 Although the concentration and effort required to do this may sometimes produce fatigue , this is temporary and in no way signifies that sight will ‘ wear out ’ with use .
19 As a mechanism for weakening the slave trade , British colonial slavery and American slavery , the abstention from slave-grown produce was marginal in giving reality to abolitionist arguments about the ‘ impolicy ’ of the trade and in no way qualified , despite the evidence it provided , the later reflexive ideological commitment of abolitionists to the superior efficiency of free labour .
20 The LIFT-RIGHT-LEG sub-function of the WALK function is not a part of it and in no way a module of it .
21 Oakeshott 's notion of tradition arises out of a genuinely philosophical analysis of human activity and in no way presupposes ( as I think Burke 's appeal to tradition does ) a belief in the wisdom or rationality of history .
22 Certain of them took issue with us on one or another specific point , but most found our general thesis plausible , even in some cases probable , and in no way diminishing the stature of Jesus or the Christian faith .
23 But lie still regarded the result as crucial and in no way retreated from his new-found determination to fight .
24 That he could do this without awakening the slightest resentment ill the boys was a sign that they recognised that it was their work that mattered to Basil , and in no way his self-importance , which , to a quite remarkable degree he did not have .
25 It will in any event be one vote , and in no way can I make it count for P and Q and R and S and T , or even just for P and Q.
26 Suppose further that C , of his own volition and in no way aiding or abetting B , himself demolishes A's house while the action between A and B is still pending .
27 Mr. Beazley relied particularly on the Peters case , which he submitted shows that there does not have to be an actual contract in order to bring the case within article 5(1) ; but the relationship in that case between the association and its members was a consensual relationship which was manifestly very closely akin to an actual contract and in no way comparable , in my judgment , to the position here where there is no contract .
28 investigation already in train and had become co-terminous with it and in no way dominant .
29 These differences are small and in no way alter the conclusions .
30 ‘ I do not consider that they were behaving like beetles , ’ said Miss Logan , while carefully indicating by her tone that this was only her private opinion and in no way derogatory of Colonel Fergusson .
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