Example sentences of "and a end to " in BNC.

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1 TEHRAN — Afghan mujahedin leaders and delegates from the Soviet Union , Pakistan and Iran began a three-day meeting here yesterday to discuss a future government for Kabul and an end to outside interference in Afghanistan , AFP reports .
2 The method was harsh , but brought a 17 per cent drop in retail prices and an end to formal rationing .
3 He started blustering about the general election and an end to the inflationary spiral .
4 Representing a wide spectrum of radical reformers — some members of the Communist Party , some members of the Popular Front — as well as ecologists , dissident members of the armed forces and religious groups , they carried banners demanding democracy and a free press , a multi-party system and an end to the Communists ' monopoly of power .
5 Within hours of Starkist 's press conference , their major US competitors , Van Camp and Bumblebee , also announced the introduction of similar policies , and an end to the long and bitter battle between US environmentalists and the tuna industry was at last in sight .
6 Later this month , an official review committee of Labour MPs , which has already described the working hours as ‘ largely indefensible ’ , will produce proposals for a new working day , probably involving ministerial question-times during morning sittings , and an end to business by 7pm ( compare the midday-to-7pm sittings of Congress ) .
7 Meanwhile , for all the gloomy talk of tight budgets and an end to City lunches , the London firms managed to shrink their costs in 1990 by a mere 3% — less than Wall Street managed .
8 He will probably announce the scrapping of residential segregation , and an end to blacks ' exclusion from most South African land .
9 It again begins with strong positions on the need for government action to ‘ smash Sinn Fein' , for a rejection of the Anglo-Irish ‘ sell out ’ , and an end to cross-border collaboration .
10 Mr Major said that plans for devolved Scottish , Welsh and regional assemblies , combined with moves to a federal Europe and an end to the first-past-the-post voting system , were ‘ of far greater importance than the general election itself ’ .
11 The changes are expected to provoke the loss of about a third of France 's 8,300 dock jobs and an end to the power of the CGT union .
12 The summer of ‘ 92 will be more attractive for Tendulkar 's presence in Yorkshire , and there is no-one in the game who does not wish for the county 's good health and an end to schism .
13 The sanctions also call for a ban on weapon sales , including small arms for police use , and training , and an end to the sale and servicing of aircraft .
14 Housing log books and an end to gazumping will also help home buyers .
15 A visit there convinced one EWO that there should be more emphasis on home — school liaison and an end to the practice of ‘ looking at school attendance as an enforcement issue .
16 Given the actual situation following the 1967 war , it was natural that the Security Council , in consultation with the belligerents themselves , should cast its prescriptive Resolution 242 of November 1967 in inter-statal terms : a return ( more or less ) to the pre-June 1967 frontiers , implying that the 1949 Armistice Line should now become a substantive and internationally recognized inter-state border , and an end to the state of war and full recognition for every state in the area .
17 Abolition of all anti-democratic laws , an end to civil and religious discrimination , and an end to the rigging of electoral areas in the interests of the wealthy , can be accomplished by the united action of the people .
18 It is a battle demanding an end to foreign domination of the Arab World and its resources , and an end to the illegitimate political and economic order in the region , imposed by outside forces .
19 Thus it was welcomed because it seemed to bring together on the one hand the idealized liberalism of the l960s and 1970s — when pupils and teachers hoped to romp together through an uninhibited dance of individualized learning , projects , pupil-centred learning-situations , and an end to authoritarian concepts of knowledge — with , on the other hand , the 1980s demand for ‘ standards ’ .
20 The former advocate continued animal use tempered by improvements in their welfare ( a form of damage limitation ) , while the latter propose equal rights for animals and an end to their harmful exploitation ( a new moral order ) .
21 He thought these were helpful plans — something positive to get to grips with the habit and see an end to cash shortages in the housekeeping as money was siphoned off for another packet ; no more sandpaper taste in the mouth ; no clothes reeking of stale tobacco and an end to the shakes .
22 Churches and peoples and faiths — and an end to strife
23 Would n't it be much simpler to tackle the problem at its root , and at least try to return towards old fashion farming methods — smaller fields , natural fertilisers and pest controls , a level of productivity we can comfortably consume and an end to the gradual poisoning and demolition of our countryside ?
24 The Rafsanjani era was to have satisfied the middle classes , bringing prosperity , freedom and an end to enmity .
25 Things looked more hopeful now that the Poles were in full retreat and an end to the war was in sight .
26 It has created the real possibility of effective legislation ( and an end to the voluntary agreements ) for the first time .
27 Fourteen weeks ' full maternity pay for everyone and an end to the confusing restrictions on how long you have to work for the same company to qualify for your job back are just two of the expected improvements .
28 The conference took place at a time of great political turmoil , and there were calls for the resignation of President Collor and an end to corruption .
29 In 1210 Peter and his friend Benedict , abbot of Stratford Langthorn , acted as intermediaries between King John and Stephen Langton [ q.v. ] , archbishop of Canterbury , unsuccessfully seeking a reconciliation and an end to the Interdict .
30 All that is needed is a positive approach and an end to the specious fear of isolation .
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