Example sentences of "a [noun] [to-vb] up " in BNC.

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1 ( I even fancied that the prop-wash from our full power had blown the dinghy back a bit to make up for the slight delay in the drop ) .
2 I waited an hour for you to come , and , from the look of it , I 've got quite a bit to catch up on .
3 I had to work a bit to keep up with him — the path is not as straight as the road ; also I had to be careful not to make a noise .
4 Joe saw an opportunity to get the couple to visit a branch to pick up a ‘ replacement ’ card but when they arrived the police moved in and detained them .
5 It is clear from the Kanunname that the movement of scholars into other fields than the learned profession is envisaged : if a candidate for office in the learned profession , that is , a wishes to take up a military career instead , he is to be given a fief yielding 20,000 akce ; and Sahn muderrises and 300-akce kadis may hold the office of defterdar , and the first two may also become nisanci ; and 500-akce kadis may become .
6 S J Paliwoda ( International Marketing ) draws attention to the need to evaluate political risk in a country before taking a decision to set up operations within that country .
7 For example there may be a decision to set up an expensive data-processing facility in order to cut the costs of data-processing .
8 Talks held on July 23 between the deputy chairmen of the Russian and Ukrainian parliaments , Yury Yazov and Vasiliy Dudinets respectively , ended with a decision to set up a joint parliamentary commission based in Sevastopol to supervise observance of the Dagomys agreement .
9 SHEARSON Lehman , the securities house , has sparked fears of a fresh wave of job cuts on Wall Street with a decision to make up to 800 employees redundant .
10 Rights are a central issue in being assertive ( see page 8 ) , since a decision to be assertive , as opposed to aggressive or submissive , is in effect a decision to stand up for your rights in a way that respects other people 's rights .
11 Quick to use the incident as a catalyst to step up its offensive , it murdered prison officer Jim Peacock at his north Belfast home on Wednesday and attacked homes of other warders in Belfast , Newtownabbey and Antrim .
12 Unfortunately , I think it may be beyond my powers as a programmer to set up such a counterfeit world .
13 I expected a struggle to keep up with the hearse ; instead , its response surprised me .
14 Rumours in the market said that Japanese banks which had initially indicated a willingness to put up some of the necessary funds , were behind the problems .
15 A willingness to stand up and promote his trade with gusto typifies Mr Smythe 's approach to his job as chairman his Association .
16 He became like a male ballet dancer — a support to lift up his glamorous partner and help her turn beautiful pirouettes .
17 Then , instead of ending with a bang , the broadcast trailed off into more endorsements , leaving a slogan to sum up : ‘ It 's time for a change ; vote Labour . ’
18 She put an end to the nuns ’ little treats and tricks , whilst at the same time allowing a whore to take up residence there .
19 Plus soup , tinned meat , crackers , chocolate and a billycan to boil up in . ’
20 I do n't know , maybe they erm a , they 'll listen to the tapes and they probably sample some of the words into a computer to build up a database of words that probably like you said , oh he 's getting a lot of jip from his boss , you know , is probably not in the dictionary but if a lot of people said that word then they would .
21 So far as the former are concerned , the Act ( as does the Financial Services Act ) assumes that public issues of debentures will be undertaken by the same methods as issues of shares and it provides that a contract to take up debentures , like one to take up shares , may be enforced by an order for specific performance .
22 The rising cost of coal was automatically reflected in their contracts , so that , on nationalisation , there was less of a backlog to make up in price increases and consequently less ill will from necessary increases .
23 Every social worker has a responsibility to stand up for their own profession , to accept criticism humbly when it is due , and to explain why things are done in certain ways .
24 a grant to set up an illicit still
25 The eleventh-century reform movement caused such a gap to open up .
26 Resistance to uncomfortable news , for example a recommendation to give up one 's own home , is as strongly present as in earlier life .
27 You did n't have to have the soul of a poet to conjure up what could have been ; in my mind 's eye I had a vision of Templars in their faceless conical helmets , red and white crosses on their black cloaks , moving across the island at the dead of night , the barges being soundlessly poled whilst , at prow and stern , huge cresset torches spluttered and flared in the darkness .
28 Scientists and engineers at the conference , however , foresaw a major collaboration between academics and European financiers who would seek a permit to put up the estimated $130 million to design the garbage ships and capsules .
29 The bank had arranged for a four-wheeler to pick up the messenger , round the back of the building .
30 In mid-January 1991 the Indian government announced a programme to clean up the 800-km long Yamuna River which flowed through Delhi before joining the Ganges at Allahabad , and was polluted by ( among other sources ) untreated chemicals from a major oil refinery at Mathura and several tanneries in Agra .
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