Example sentences of "and [adv] to her " in BNC.

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1 It is well known that only a great dancer-artist can suggest the development of the sixteen-year-old Aurora , happy at her birthday , into the dreamy figure the Prince meets in the woodland glade and on to her final entrance as a triumphant princess fully awake to her responsibilities as Queen-to-be .
2 She came at the same time ; then , as he lay there , quivering in his spent heat , she rolled off him and on to her knees .
3 Tears welled up in her eyes , and she did nothing to stop them from spilling through her fingers and on to her cheeks .
4 The sound of Nathan 's returning footsteps brought her swiftly and instinctively to her feet .
5 Amazingly , perversely , and rather to her regret ( a flat battery would have been a cast-iron excuse to abort the visit ) the engine fired .
6 She saw his eyes flick over her neatly fitting cotton lace blouse and down to her hip-hugging velvet culottes .
7 She strolled by some quite lovely nineteenth-century architecture — charming four-storeyed buildings of white , of yellow , of yellow and white , and red-roofed , green-roofed , immaculately lawned — and down to her hotel .
8 Picking up her skirts , she hurried out and along to her mother 's room .
9 My mother softened at once at the words ‘ Do you remember … ? ’ when they referred to her youth and not to her knowledge .
10 ‘ You know you love it , ’ said Scarlet , who was referring to Constance 's single state and not to her lover .
11 It was there that they went each summer , in Shiva 's holidays , their fares paid by Sabine Schnitzler who , having reverted to her maiden name and largely to her native tongue , sometimes wore a surprised , even bewildered , look at being surrounded , as she put it , by ‘ all those Indians ’ .
12 And she led them inside her house and through to her kitchen .
13 However , he also thought she might have been trying to demonstrate the extent of her distress to her family and possibly to her husband .
14 ‘ Over the edge with the stiff , back to the house and off to her appointment .
15 She ran from the room and up to her bedroom where the windows were kept open all day to destroy the germs .
16 So saying she ran from the kitchen and up to her bedroom , leaving those round the table confused and upset .
17 A third was made with such force it went through her stomach and up to her heart .
18 Ten weeks later , the ambulance team that had driven Elinor from the Nice hospital carried her into the château and up to her bedroom .
19 She ran to the house and up to her room , the swimsuit forgotten , and she shut the door tightly .
20 With a little nod , she hurried inside and up to her room .
21 This was due partly to her hats and partly to her remarkable prowess as a lady cricketer .
22 Only the crazy British could send such a lovely young woman on such a wild goose chase , and probably to her death .
23 Her therapist had suggested that she should speak more fully and openly to her husband , but an ancient , instinctive residue of wisdom had told Scarlet that this would be inadvisable : she had not gone through any process of transference , did not therefore regard her therapist as omnipotent , and so her suspicion that she was wasting money on her treatment was not unfounded .
24 Her hair fell thick and straight to her square shoulders ; it was a shade too dark to be fairly termed blonde , but Victoria 's canon of style rejected tinting — or at least , tinting which could be recognised as such .
25 His blue gaze went from her face to the basket with its bundles and the white swaddled decanter , and back to her face again .
26 The wind came cold and fast to her face .
27 And then to her suppressed rage she realised that she was crying .
28 Fei Yen stood by a tiny table to one side , pouring wine into cups from a porcelain jug ; offering first to the T'ang and then to her husband , finally to her cousin .
29 Lady Norman , and then to her mother Lady Burke , is a charming old family house with plenty of space .
30 After the separation from her husband , Blanche 's love life was a Russian roulette of the emotions : taking men to her heart , and sometimes to her bed , with the fateful enthusiasm of a suicide pulling the trigger of a gun .
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