Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One dog who was specifically brought in as a potential show dog and latterly stud dog was Ch.
2 Another and widely spread practice is for the head of a laboratory to add his name automatically to any paper published from it , though he may have no contribution at all to the work .
3 She published a history of the UDC , Builders of Peace ( 1924 ) , and from 1925 to 1928 was editor of the UDC journal , Foreign Affairs , which she aimed to make a more popular and widely read journal .
4 Mr Adair said : ‘ A responsible and properly run society needs a system of legal aid to enable those of poor or moderate means to have access to justice . ’
5 We had the foresight to assess the situation and successfully sell case .
6 Directly or indirectly we could ‘ ask ’ him/her , but our requirement is that an observer acting at a distance can observe what a pupil does and thence infer satisfaction in response .
7 In a moderately seasonal environment , in which several species produce lleshy fruits , there might be expected to be selection for a particular species to fruit out of step with the others , and thereby avoid competition with other species for dispersers .
8 For social norms to function as social pressures , they must be internalized , and thereby form part of the individual 's cognitive beliefs .
9 " Feelings Groups " in which a regular group of people in early recovery meet in a group , supervised by a professional counsellor , to discover and express their feelings in a safe environment and thereby gain awareness and practice for the awareness and expression of those feelings in the " real " world .
10 Answer guide : As the cost of the goods sold , especially with a small business , is often calculated by taking the opening stock plus purchases less closing stock , the effect would be to reduce the cost of sales figure and thereby increase profit .
11 This would conduct a continuing survey of administrative structures with two purposes in mind : a ) to produce information and thereby increase openness ; b ) to carry out inquiries and offer advice to central government and other public authorities .
12 In retrospect , our attempts to prevent recurrence should , perhaps , have been directed at identifying and manipulating ( by increasing the amounts of inhibitors or decreasing the amounts of promotors ) nucleating factors that induce crystal , and thereby gall stone , formation from supersaturated bile .
13 The general attempt to do this will drive the interest rate on bonds down and thereby stimulate investment expenditure and hence aggregate demand .
14 In Europe a number of countries participate in the European Monetary System which attempts to stabilise exchange rates and thereby facilitate trade and investment flows between trading partners .
15 If the NTB is removed , the firm could increase exports and thereby expand output to Q2 which would reduce price to P2 .
16 When designing your garden , plan to include shrubs like pyracantha and Berberis darwinii that give flowers all year round and thereby provide food for wildlife .
17 SERAFIN : And thereby have time and energy left to enjoy the open fire which is by our very preference not there to enjoy ?
18 It is when we use our uniqueness to feel ‘ better than ’ that we separate ourselves from others and thereby create misery and suffering .
19 Secondly , the procedure can be divorced from the normal day/night cycle , and thereby allow insemination of eggs at a time which permits study of a subsequent developmental stage during normal working hours .
20 Yet another type of vocabulary can have difference in meaning for patient and nurse and thereby give rise to difficulties — words describing parts of the body , though having a particular anatomical reference , do not necessarily have that reference for lay people , even intelligent lay people .
21 Critics say the plan represents a flawed , ‘ image-above-all-else ’ , attempt by the Ministry to beef up the Prado 's revenue-generating potential , and thereby reduce State support .
22 In a mass , however , the birds sometimes defend the nowers and thereby reduce cross-pollination .
23 take an informed view of future trends , both technical and legislative , and thereby generate confidence that the proposed solution will not be rendered obsolete in the near future .
24 By imposing a very high cost of borrowing , the Chancellor hopes to reduce our willingness to accept any more bank credit and thereby limit credit creation by the banks .
25 The Danish government successfully sponsored a proposal originating with US conservationist groups , but opposed by the US government , to list the black bear in Appendix II and thereby limit trade in bear gall bladders ( which , like rhino horn and other exotic products , were used in oriental traditional medicine ) .
26 The Danish government sponsored a proposal originating with US conservationist groups , but opposed by the US government , to list the black bear in Appendix II and thereby limit trade in , especially , bear gall bladders [ see above ] .
27 The objectives of the Unit as laid out in its constitution are as follows : to undertake industrial relations research of a long-term multidisciplinary character ; to contribute towards improving the quality of data and of understanding that is available for industrial relations policy-making by government , employers and trade unions ; to provide for a concentration of resources and continuity of work and thereby improve career opportunities for research workers and facilitate large-scale research projects ; to enhance the quality of industrial relations teaching and research activity of the School of Industrial and Business Studies ; to be a national and international centre for industrial relations research and to attract suitable visiting researchers and research students to the University .
28 Endobiliary fine needle aspiration cytology , in which a fine needle is introduced into the biliary tree either percutaneously or endoscopically , has the potential advantage over other methods of diagnosing biliary strictures in that the needle may be inserted through the strictured area and thereby obtain tissue from outwith the wall of the bile duct .
29 Research has shown that significant changes in the levels of these particular vitamins can alter those reactions and thereby affect energy and well-being .
30 The principles of effective choral writing are fairly straightforward , and mostly comprise exploitation of the choir 's colouristic resources in what can be called ‘ choral orchestration ’ , coupled with simple variation in the density of voices and a limited use of contrapuntal effects .
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