Example sentences of "and [adv] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Interested but not involved — except during the years when I was a member , and latterly chairman of the Crofters Commission .
2 I 'm gon na need a pension when I reach the age of sixty , sixty five I recommend that we support this motion and vigorously campaign for pensions for everybody on an equal status .
3 In functional diarrhoea there is more to and fro movement of intraluminal contents in the fasting state than in normal controls .
4 Thence northwards to Mina 's land , so eastward to the stream and over it at the place called Ufa 's ford , thence to the place called Lagness , thence to Laxley , and so to the place called Balsham , thence to the bridge at Ellridge , and thus northwards besides the marshy places , over this to the stream called ( Aldingbourne Rife ) and thence east to Waermund 's enclosure , thence to Wador 's barrow from that place to the fishpond , and from there to ( Ryebank Rife ) , and so the line runs to the sea …
5 When bleeding is a steady ooze , it can often be stopped by injections of dilute adrenaline ( 1 in 10000 ) , and this also facilitates completion of the procedure and thereby drainage of the duct .
6 The discussion has so far focused on the corporate purpose and thereby role of authorities in the new NHS .
7 Thus , improved health in poor societies can lead to larger population , greater poverty , and eventually deterioration in health .
8 Hip fractures are potentially life threatening ( they result in 40 premature deaths a day ) , while crushed spinal vertebrae may lead to back pain , loss of height and mobility , and eventually curvature of the spine .
9 An irreducible hernia may strangulate , i.e. the contents of the sac of the hernia may be constricted so that the circulation is cut off thus leading to gangrene and eventually perforation of the bowel ( a surgical emergency ) .
10 After retirement he became a respected commentator , chairman of selectors and eventually president of Yorkshire ( 1981-4 ) until , saddened by the internal strife , he resigned from an office in which he took great pride .
11 auctioneer and eventually Mayor of Cloisterham , a pompous idiot who gives himself ecclesiastical airs .
12 The changes correspond , in fact , to the stages of overlap and eventually transition between patronal and market relations .
13 Ethiopia , whose independence was recognized by the European colonial powers in 1896 , was dominated for more than 50 years ( apart from the period of the Italian occupation from 1936 to 1941 ) by Haile Selassie , who was regent , then King and eventually Emperor until his deposition in 1974 .
14 Suharto held talks with Nguyen Van Linh , secretary-general of the Communist Party of Vietnam , with Vo Chi Cong , President of the State Council and effectively head of state , and with Do Muoi , Chairman of the Council of Ministers , which focused on prospects for co-operation between the two countries , and on Cambodia , which was also discussed in a meeting between Alatas and his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Co Thach .
15 The grammar of English is carried over into the signing and presumably evaluation of the adequacy of BSL is based on the ease with which it can be fitted to this English format .
16 E E E East Coast Regional Railways and presumably Freight at one time .
17 erm and somewhere sort of reasonable .
18 She was intensely loyal and endlessly kind to those ( women ) she knew well and respected .
19 Najibullah , the PDPA general secretary since May 1986 and hitherto Chairman of the Revolutionary Council Presidium , was on Nov. 30 , 1987 , elected by the Loya Jirga as President of the Republic and C.-in-C. of the Armed Forces for a ( renewable ) seven-year term [ ibid . ] .
20 This is a shame in a book so rich in ideas and so virtuoso in its handling of specialist terminology .
21 Many farms had more family workers than could be fully employed , and so migration to the cities could occur without loss of food output .
22 And so education for society became paramount .
23 When used with the bare infinitive , it denotes a direct experiencing of , and so contemporaneity in time with , an occurrence and can often be replaced by see — although it denotes perception in a more abstract way than the latter — or by have in its experiential sense : ( 93 ) Rather surprised to find them break fence at this season .
24 As these increase in frequency , adult survival drops , and so selection against the mutations decreases .
25 Hair seems to be well-nigh everlasting , and so discovery of a tuft or two does not guarantee recent activity .
26 The thin , external walls of the chimneys are porous and so oxygen from the outside atmosphere diffuses in .
27 The difference , of course , is that borrowers from banks B , C … n are paying clients of bank A and so part of the increase in money supply will appear in bank A's deposits .
28 ‘ I severed nerves in my leg and so part of my foot is dead .
29 No , I mean , England have bowled much better at him and Tufnell 's for example is , is very difficult to get away because it is spinning a little bit and I 'm sure that they , the England bowlers must have said to themselves , we 're not going to bowl a lot of short balls at , at we must keep it full length , erm , and so part of this slow score is due to better England bowling .
30 As the season did not begin until Christmas , this meant that they would be away considerably longer than originally intended , and so permission for additional leave of absence was sought from the Archbishop .
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