Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Somehow it seemed delightfully ironic that on the very day that the Association of Tennis Professionals organised its fascinating and skilfully presented seminar on ‘ The Speed of the Game ’ , two renowned baseliners reached the final of the Lipton Players International Championships in Key Biscayne .
2 Now this stunningly photographed and skilfully acted film by French film-maker Maurice Pialat ( who made To Our Loves and Under Satan 's Sun uses an accretion of naturalistic detail to present an emotionally restrained but utterly compelling account of the last three months of Van Gogh 's life .
3 A careful distillation of the principles of public service broadcasting submitted by the Broadcasting Research Unit to the Peacock Committee in 1985 showed that the old values that were in place in 1945 could still be made to fit the diverse and vastly changed system forty years on .
4 The Elton Committee managed to produce a comprehensive and widely supported report and a coherent set of recommendations in a relatively short period of time .
5 The concept of authoritarian population implies , for Jessop et al. , a monolithic , relatively stable and widely supported form of government .
6 That is , they were more highly concentrated in the older staple industries which were in acute and widely recognized need of restructuring , the labour shortage was most acute in some of the highly skilled sectors of these very industries , and their loss would be acutely felt , at least in the short term .
7 Therefore , although the RPI is a widely followed and widely understood index , it is not entirely satisfactory for the indexation of pensions .
8 In the 1970s a small number of feminist critics accused most of these influential and widely cited texts of sexism , ( targets included A. Campbell et al , The American Voter ; G. Almond and S. Verba , The Civic Culture ; R. Lane , Political Life ; R. A. Dahl , Who Governs ? ) .
9 It is a safe and widely administered test .
10 It is probably not accidental that the most famous and widely discussed paranoiac of modern psychiatric literature , Schreber , had a father who seems to have approximated rather closely to the divine monarchs of earlier times and certainly practised a regime of child-rearing which was notable not only for its authoritarianism but also for its central concern for the welfare of the child , who was to be protected from harmful influences , bad habits and incorrect posture by rigidly enforced and total parental control , which even included applying iron and leather braces and restraints to the child 's body .
11 Indeed in some respects the new technologies of standardized and widely distributed reproduction made certain forms of social and cultural reproduction very much more effective , over a wider range , and in modes distinguishable from direct domination and subordination .
12 ALPHA is a new master operating system designed to interconnect disparate and widely distributed systems to act as a single cohesive whole .
13 The Hereford is probably the most numerous and widely distributed beef breed in the world .
14 The answer to the first question is closely related to issues of stigma , labelling , and widely held opinions about culpability .
15 Dominant social ideology , reinforced by traditional Christian teaching , makes the assumption that sex is primarily for procreation and not recreation , and this places sex outside the moral boundaries of many older people , for whom there is still a strong and widely held link between sex and immorality , the belief that sex is wrong or indecent .
16 It has been a long and widely held assumption that crime is very much more frequent among those of low social status .
17 Peru is suffering from two epidemics : one is the recent and widely reported outbreak of cholera which has infected over 200,000 people .
18 Essentially this relates to the on the failure by researchers , and for that matter policy makers and practitioners , to operationalize a clear and widely agreed definition of what constitutes abuse .
19 In their absence , Jerry Jenkins , a veteran so aged that his court time is usually handed out in short and widely spaced passages , was required to carry a heavier load .
20 Libraries with very small branch establishments have always faced this problem , and it is perhaps not surprising that Scottish libraries who face the additional problem of very low population densities and widely spaced service points , do not score highly on ‘ amount ’ of formal training :
21 Through the centuries about twenty-five houses had been built in Ploughman 's Lane , first of all for the minor gentry , the widows and kinsmen , for instance , of the lord of the manor ; in more recent times , equally large and widely spaced dwellings had been put up for the professional class .
22 ‘ Spring and All ’ , a more substantial and widely praised poem , follows the same procedure as ‘ The Red Wheelbarrow ’ with the added spice of faux-naïf cuteness ( announced in the very title , and taken up in epithets like ‘ twiggy ’ ) .
23 Allied with Francis Bacon 's proposal that a properly organized and properly conducted science could increase the power of the English state was his observation that a new vitality in the sciences had coincided with the Protestant Reformation : This was , of course , a Protestant view of the matter .
24 Safe , efficient movement over snow and ice is impossible without suitable , well fitting and properly maintained crampons and , like any piece of technical equipment , an understanding of variations in design and methods of use are important to get the best from them .
25 Writing an accurate and properly assessed accident report is by far the most difficult part of the investigator 's task , but it is the investigator 's only end-product .
26 the skills enabling pupils to put forward ( and interpret ) clear and properly supported statements of personal feeling , opinion or viewpoint ;
27 The yawning attitude — " Well , I must go and do some work , I suppose " — can bring down students with good innate ability , while a steady and properly constructed programme can allow those with only mediocre skill to maintain an excellent standard , and to have more free and unencumbered time for the social and sporting facets of a full college life .
28 There are two classes of printers , one called newspaper hands and set nothing but solid matter ; and properly trained compositors who have been taught to do jobbing , tabular work and everything . "
29 ‘ I 'll always be a supporter of a strong , independent and properly funded BBC .
30 Regular , well-organised and properly established channels of communication between the different agencies need to be set up and maintained , both on a case-by-case basis and at a higher managerial level .
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