Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 Our librarian passed me the disk ready for review , I ran it and nervously waited for the title page .
2 Our librarian passed me the disk ready for review , I ran it and nervously waited for the title page .
3 During the period of the first Opium war ( 1840–2 ) Jardine pursued banking and insurance in London , and successfully stood for election in 1841 as the Whig candidate for Ashburton ( Devon ) .
4 The river was carrying nearly three foot of extra water and most struggled for bites .
5 There was a red light up , and he was stopped by a policeman as he reached the opposite pavement and duly asked for the appropriate number of marks .
6 She turned round and slowly headed for home .
7 There are 70 items , grouped into 7 blocks of 10 and loosely graded for difficulty .
8 Treasury Counsel announced that the Secretary of State for the Environment was now inclined to take the view that the statue was not part of the listed building , and so asked for an adjournment .
9 With only fifteen yards to go Crisp tightened as he felt Red Rum 's presence but it was his dying effort and only lasted for a second .
10 ‘ Because the signal he sent spoke of alleged complicity in murder and rape , and only asked for his whereabouts .
11 He stayed in his room and only emerged for meals .
12 He confronted Julie Stott , 27 , and her companion , Peter Ellis , 27 , forced them to lie spreadeagled on the ground , and apparently shouted for them to hand over their money and watches .
13 Mr Nasta has used two large rooms to display the works , all of them privately owned and personally lent for the occasion .
14 She sipped from her glass of wine and impatiently waited for Simone to speak .
15 I chose my family , and just waited for the big boys to come up to the Birkdale area .
16 Doughboy … a giant of man who did n't drink or smoke and just lived for his studies , and his rowing .
17 And so I tell you we slammed the window down and just ducked for about an hour .
18 She was so surprised she could n't think of anything to say and just stood for a moment staring at him .
19 For example , those aged 65 and over accounted for one-third of all NHS prescriptions and about 40 per cent of acute hospital-bed occupation .
20 These interviews were tape-recorded and usually lasted for eight or nine hours ( although one mammoth sitting lasted for twelve ) .
21 Meanwhile the patient , who has not been named , was making a rapid recovery and yesterday walked for the first time since the operation .
22 The high temperatures of 10 mill K and more lasted for many milliseconds , and implied that there was a high degree of plasma stability , and large reduction of the unaccountable loss of energy and plasma across the magnetic field found in early experiments on Zeta pinches and on stellarators in the US ( though indeed some unaccountable loss still exists ) .
23 The reference call to the hotel , The Randolph — that 's what he 'd remembered clearest of all , really : he 'd looked up the telephone number and then been put through , on the extension given to him by his client , to the Deputy Manageress , who had promptly and effusively vouched for the bona fides of Rent-a-Car 's prospective customer .
24 Abel Smith II was returned as MP for Aldborough ( 1774–8 ) , and later sat for St Ives ( 1780–4 ) through the interest of Humphrey Mackworth Praed .
25 We have therefore examined the concentrations of the essential micro ( trace ) elements copper , iron , and zinc , and of the macroelements calcium , magnesium , potassium , and socium in fasting human gastric juice obtained at endoscopy for healthy subjects and patients with peptic ulcer disease , and also determined for which metals the pH predicts concentrations .
26 The hostel staff advised us about the best areas for walking , and also arranged for the essential guide , to keep us on the right path and to protect us from the buffalo .
27 At this time Henry contributed a poem to the fund-raising campaign for the construction of Salisbury Cathedral , and also wrote for patrons in Cologne .
28 So he set off and met a gardener , who had also lived a hermetic life , and also longed for company .
29 BBC Pebble Mill Monday 23 September 7.00pm David Lodge 's novels include CHANGING PLACES ( 1975 ) , SMALL WORLD , shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 1984 and NICE WORK , Sunday Express Book of the Year in 1988 , and also shortlisted for the Booker Prize .
30 On leaving school Herbert joined his father as an engineering apprentice , and also worked for a time in the mechanical engineering laboratories of the City and Guilds Technical College in Finchley , London .
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