Example sentences of "and [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The formula for both these jocular comments is similar : in the midst of a conversation which has continued for at least two turns in London English , a speaker introduces a turn which ends in Creole ( typically such turns are at most one sentence long , and wholly in Creole ) .
2 and er the students themselves have all sorts of problems and latterly of course we had erm a great number of mature students
3 Levi 's support base was within the large Sephardi community ( members or descendants of the western branch of European Jews who settled in Spain and Portugal and latterly in north Africa , as opposed to the Askhenazi — the northern European Yiddish-speaking Jews ) , and many of his supporters claimed that the Shamir-Arens-Sharon collaboration had been nothing short of ethnic discrimination by the " Ashkenazi bosses " .
4 She has been with Harlequin for 12 years , in the UK direct marketing division for six years , and latterly in charge of direct marketing in Australia .
5 To justify a treatment of women which denies their autonomy , resort has been had to a ragbag of ideas about female and male sexuality , varying from the bogus to the irrelevant and culled formerly from medicine and latterly from psychoanalysis .
6 Of the various symptoms for which women in selected communities of four countries ( Iran , Lebanon , Philippines and Turkey ) were tested , prolapse varied most consistently and importantly with parity .
7 The Foyle area comprises the catchments of all rivers and their tributaries which flow into Lough Foyle and the adjacent sea area between Malin Head in Co Donegal and Downhill in Co Derry .
8 This means that the yeast , encouraged by the warmth of the wort and the temperature of the brewery , works quickly and vigorously on top of the wort to produce alcohol .
9 For Nora , whose daily landscape was that endless to and fro of paper , there could be no such comfort .
10 there was a constant to and fro of traffic , but no bus was in sight .
11 In this case I also wanted to get the cut edges of the neckband tidied up as soon as possible — remember this particular garment has been ferried to and fro to class and back .
12 Her father , a man in his 30s , rocks to and fro in despair .
13 When Owen went out to see her she was squatting in the dust of the yard , her head covered , rocking to and fro in grief .
14 Fig. 5.2 To and fro in front of pilot .
15 Jane twisted herself to and fro in front of the mirror to make sure the dress hung properly .
16 For some minutes now she had been disturbed by the way Beth was pacing to and fro in front of the great fireplace , a deeply thoughtful expression on her face , and her whole manner one of extreme agitation .
17 ‘ The top players will be staying at the Stour Country Club and we 'll be flying them to and fro by helicopter . ’
18 The corridor was crowded with students , with white coats , with nurses going to and fro from tea , and the occasional pundit .
19 Initial progress was made in tracing water discharged at resurgences but this was succeeded by deductions of limestone erosion rates , by determination of drainage areas , by distinction of the significance of percolation water and of conduit flow and thence of application of the results of process investigations to the derivation of modified models of landscape development as proposed by Smith and Newson ( 1974 ) for the Mendips .
20 At Reading the unit joined the 2nd South Midland Mounted Brigade , and thence to Churn Down on 31 August , where the 2nd Mounted Division was being formed .
21 After the war Lucienne Palmer ( Mrs Hill ) embarked on an acting career and thence to playwriting , translation and adaptation from the French , part-time work as a lay psychotherapist in an N.H.S. therapeutic community , and , latish in life , her very first love of all-painting : London exhibition 1988 .
22 But even those of us who have never been anorexic and live in the affluent Western world must know , perhaps through some isolated experience of our own or others ' , that non-eating leads to fatigue and thence to depression .
23 So I took myself off to my billet , feeling bloody frustrated and edgy , might I add , and thence to bed , where I thought about it .
24 After returning from the United States in October 1941 Hillary had gone through Staff College , and thence to HQ Fighter Command .
25 What changed was the party political situation : the seizure of power by the radical Right in the Conservative party and thence in government .
26 Travelling on a false passport made out in the name of James Richardson , Bourke travelled by train from London to Paris ( apparently without encountering any problems with the police who were searching for him ) , and thence by air to Berlin where he crossed into the eastern sector and shortly afterwards was flown to Moscow to be reunited with Blake .
27 A line to connect Port Augusta to Darwin and thence by sea to India and the rest of Asia was begun in the 1920s but got no further than Alice Springs , reached in 1929 .
28 From Constanza I returned to England , travelling third class across Europe , by train to Bucharest and Budapest , by boat up the Danube to Vienna , and thence by train to Prague , Berlin and Ostend .
29 It maddened Adam , his misuse of this word , which could n't of course be applied to guiding anyone on land , coming as it did from the Latin navigare and thence from navis , feminine , a ship , and agere , to drive or guide .
30 And unfortunately , I told him in graphic detail , and thereby of course , lost a contract , because he turned out to be the most senior person in the room , and he did not enjoy being humiliated in that way .
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